Bumper Crop

Want to know how I spent my Saturday?

Are you sure you can stand the excitement?

Our bumper crop of acorns.

For whatever reason, we have an overabundance of very large acorns in our yard this year.

Not just your average acorn.

They are very large acorns. On this one particular piece of lawn (about 10′ x 20′), it was like walking on marbles. Very large marbles.

That acorn is about 2.5 times the size of this frog!

If you click on the next picture, you’ll probably see the acorns all over the ground. Coverage is heavier in the grassy area though.

See the acorns on the ground?

The good news is that deer love to eat acorns. The bad news? This is the Maryland yard I’m talking about. There are lots of critters here, but no deer.

So I decided to gather up the acorns to take to the WV place. Only from the grassy area where it’s a pain to walk. The ones in the flower bed just got raked back into the trees.

My wheelbarrow full of acorns.

I did say there were a lot of them, right? That one tiny area yielded about five cubic feet of acorns.

That's a lot of acorns!

And they’re still dropping.

Hubby dumped them into a big garbage back for ease of transport. That was the idea, anyway. Now we have about a 50-pound bag of acorns that we’re afraid just might explode when we lift it.

I can see the acorns rolling down our very steep driveway now…

That’s just the sort of goofy thing that would happen to me.

Maybe we’ll have Eric lift the bag into the truck the next time he’s here. He doesn’t read my Blog, so he won’t know the bag is fit-to-bursting.

I’ll make sure I have the video camera rolling, okay?

2 Replies to “Bumper Crop”

  1. At first I thought the first picture had a snake in it (you do love critters!) and the acorns were eggs of some sort. Glad I was wrong! 🙂

    That’s heaps of acorns! I can’t believe you gathered all of those up.

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