Trying Out Some New Equipment

I really wanted to go for a ride today. Until I walked outside this morning and immediately felt as if I’d be wrapped in a warm, wet, heavy blanket.

Ugh. Just the type of weather I hate.

But I bought some new equipment yesterday that needed testing. So, after spending most of the day indoors, in the air conditioning, I decided I NEEDED to get out.

Cows on Bear Wallow Road

I was happy to see these guys. Last time I rode past, they weren’t there.

Anyway, I headed north to the neighboring town of Marshall where I’d seen a particular business that I wanted to explore.

Soft Serve Ice Cream Stand
Bears Soft Serve Ice Cream

I’m not sure why there’s a large purple octopus painted on the Bears Soft Serve Ice Cream building, but I like it. It’s colorful.

Hot Fudge Sundae

The ice cream is what I REALLY needed.

As for the new equipment… sadly, the ride was too short to really determine if the purchase was a good one. Thunderstorms were bearing down. Maybe tomorrow I can put them through a longer trial.

New snazzy, wicking socks.
New snazzy, wicking socks.

I hope you all had a lovely Fourth of July holiday (in the US) or at least a great Saturday (for those outside the US).