New Way to Celebrate Father’s Day

As I mentioned in my last post, Hubby had been looking forward to Warrenton’s Father’s Day Car Show since he first got wind of it shortly after we moved here.

Apparently he’d read about it — and seen pics from past shows — on the Internet.

I hadn’t. So I didn’t know what to expect. With Warrenton being a small town, I thought it would be a small event. I was wrong.

I was really torn about celebrating Father’s Day without visiting my Dad. We invited him to come down for the show, but my Mom has been sick. So they need to stay closer to home. After making arrangements to visit with him next weekend, I felt a little better.

Knowing how much Hubby had been anticipating this event, I couldn’t help but get excited. Plus, it would give me something interesting to blog about for a change.

Registration was from 8:00-10:00. So it should have come as no surprise to hear an intermittent cacophony of deep-bass rumbles all morning long.

While I’ve been to car shows before, I’d never been around to hear the comings and goings of quite a few high-performance machines. It was awesome.

So awesome  that I couldn’t wait until 10:00. Shortly after 9:00, I hooked the girls up and decided to take a quick stroll through town. I was amazed at how many cars were there. And they kept on coming!

Wanting Hubby to be similarly surprised, when we get home and he asked about what we’d seen, I played it down by saying, “There’s a few cars there. It’s nowhere near what I expected, though.”

It wasn’t. I was expecting small, remember? There had to be over a hundred cars there. And more people than I’d ever seen in our little town at one time.

Oh, and like the previous day, the weather was perfect.

I took quite a few pictures. It was challenging, though. With so many people milling about, it was hard to get good shots of the cars without strangers in the pictures.

Really. Look how many people were there. Main Street was packed!

Not only were we amazed at the number of vehicles and people, the variety and rarity of many of the show entries was incredible. Like that 1958 Dodge Power Wagon. I thought giant four-wheel-drive vehicles were a new thing.

And check out that old Chevy Suburban (above). I forget what year that was. Hubby could tell me, but he’s not here at the moment. Sorry.

I forget what that car was called. But that’s one I’d love to drive. It was built in the early 1900s by the brother of the guy who was sitting beside the car. Who I didn’t manage to capture in the shot. I wish I had.

Isn’t that car pretty? Hubby said I shouldn’t say cars are “cute” or “pretty.” I should use adjectives more along the lines of “kick-ass.”

I still say it was pretty.

That old Hudson was another mutual favorite.

We both liked this Jaguar, too.

I tell you, the variety and quality of cars entered was quite impressive.

I forget what sort of car that was, but Betty Boop made me think of a certain friend of mine.

The event was a smashing success. I’m so glad we went.

Our love affair with this town continues. We are so glad that we purchased this house in town, even if it wasn’t what we were looking for. It’s so cool that have things like this within easy walking distance. By “easy,” I mean it was like three blocks away.

And when we were done, we walked back home and quietly enjoyed the rest of the day.

Hubby relaxing on Father's Day.


If you would like to see all of the pics, you can view the slideshow embedded below.

Or you can go right to my Flickr site to view the pics.

I hope your Father’s Day was similarly enjoyable.

I have a feeling we’ll be celebrating in the exact same fashion for many years to come. Hopefully next year Dad will be able to join us.