The Kirkpatrick's D.I.Y. Project for 2005
The Last Visit for 2005
December 9 - 10, 2005
Well, we didn't go back to West Virginia, but Mike did. He
didn't go back to work, but to see if the electric had been connected
and to see how his truck handled in the snow.
Neither of us had been there in the snow before, so Mike took plenty
of pictures for me as he was driving in. It looks kind of cool, doesn't it?
This is Turkey Hollow Road. It sure doesn't look like a road, though.
Our house is straight ahead, beyond the trees. You can see
the mountains in the background.
Our snow-covered driveway.
The driveway is a bit steep here. Mike paused to wonder if he'd make it to the top.
Mike's tire tracks. His truck climbed the hill beautifully.
The fire pit doesn't look very enticing when covered with 8 inches of snow.
The electric meter is on the front of the house.
You may not be able to tell from this photo, but...
...we have electricity!!!
It was the perfect end to a very laborious 6-month period.
We got a heck of a lot done in six months for weekend laborers.
Mike was going to spend the night, but he ran out of propane
not long after midnight. Look at the thermometer and you'll understand
why he decided to head for home at 3:00 AM!

The roof isn't 100% finished. But we expect to begin 2006 working inside.
At least until it's warm enough to work outdoors again.