The Kirkpatrick's D.I.Y. Project for 2005
Readying the Site
Late-May 2005
This is what the driveway looked like when our excavator was finished clearing it of trees and making a suitable roadbed.
This view is from the top of the driveway, near the future garage, down
into the hollow. It looks a bit different now that shale has been laid for
the surface of the driveway.
We only wanted enough trees removed to accommodate the house, driveway, and septic system.
The first thing we had to do was determine exactly where on the site
the building would be located. Then we had to measure and mark the corners
for the digging of the footer. That may sound easy, but it took Mike and our
friend, Chuck, hours to get it exactly square.
Some more lines with the construction trailer in the background.
No woodland home site is complete without a fire pit. This one is only temporary.
This photo is taken from about the door of the future garage. The chairs are on the future front porch.
When our friend, Barry, came up to help with the footer prep work,
he came a few days early with his motorcycle to explore the back roads. And
he established himself a campsite. It's now a nice little clearing where we
take our breaks.