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The New Year

January 9-11, 2009

The first weekend of the new year (can you buh-lieve it is 2009!?!) was
spent relaxing and introducing our new dog, Belle, to the joys of the WV Place.

She seemed pretty cozy with Mike.

And she was more than happy to curl up with me while I read.

Meg was into relaxing, too.

Belle really did fit right in. Here's her first meeting with Meg's friend,
Buddy, our neighbor's dog. He lives behind us, just over the hill.

We went down to Buddy's house so Belle could meet his Mom, Jean. Belle liked
chasing/being chased by Meg and Buddy. This girl is FAST, hence the blur.

Meg and Buddy were struggling to keep up.

Belle doesn't walk anywhere. She loves to run.

I think it is safe to say that Belle likes the WV Place just as much as the rest of us.


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