The skies were clear, the air was cool. Spring trees are still in bloom.

Flowering trees. New Growth everywhere. Peace. Quiet.
I just love living in the middle of the woods.
Temps were a little cool for a motorcycle ride. We could’ve maybe done a bicycle ride, but we had to unclog a culvert instead. Fun, right?
“Fun” is not always about what you’re doing, or where you are doing it, but about who you are doing it with.
Of course there are no pictures of me working, though I did help. Really. It was my job moving the muck Hubby dragged out of the pipe.
“Fun” might not be the right word to describe the endeavor, but it was still a good day. Because we were together. And togetherness is especially important when it’s your 17th wedding anniversary.

The only thing that might’ve made it better would have been to have some kids or grandkids around. At least we have our furkids.

We capped the day off with a drive to our favorite Hampshire County restaurant, El Puente in Capon Bridge.

It really was a LOVEly day.
Our 17th anniversary.
Time really does fly.
We’re both thankful for all the good times we’ve shared over the past 17 years and look forward to more togetherness in the future.
Happy Anniversay to us!
I SO tried to call you both to wish you a happy anniversary, but I ended up getting your voicemail and leaving a very jumbled, ramble-y message instead. Sorry about that, I don’t think I was awake yet and I was thinking about the very long journey I had ahead of me!
Happy Anniversary! I’m glad you had a good day! 🙂
We were in bed when you called. By the time I got up and found my cell phone, which I hardly ever keep nearby because I get so few calls, it was too late. Sorry! Thanks for trying, though. I was just saying to Dad yesterday that I’m not sure if you guys even know what date our anniversary is. I’m glad you do!
Oh Happy Anniversary!!! I LOVE that you included pictures of Redbuds in this post — they are one of my favorite shade shrubs… the heart shaped leaves and the delicate blossoms…. and mountain laurel… this time of year makes me think of them!
Ann Marie, I’ll keep you in mind when the Mountain Laurel are in bloom! Which reminds me… I need to figure out exactly when they is so we can go back to this spot…
I forgot to ask if you saw this post… I just love the Redbuds. too. DO they have those or similar trees in Germany?