I wasn’t present to witness the event myself, but that’s okay. Because I am here now.

Amy is a smart, beautiful, funny, unique, complex, loving individual. If you’d asked me 15 years ago where Amy would be on her 30th birthday or what she would doing, I would never have guessed she’d be waking her three children and getting them ready for school. I wouldn’t have imagined her married to TJ, who is still deployed. I wouldn’t have believed she’d be a college graduate, well on her way to a Master’s degree.
Not that I didn’t think she’d be capable of all that, but because 15 was a difficult time for Amy. And that made it a difficult time for all of us. But we all persevered. And we’re all so much better for it. It makes looking back on all of the happy times even more special somehow. It also gives us some pretty good stories to look back on and laugh about. Stories that maybe we’ll even share with Amy’s kids one day. Selectively, of course.

Anyway… back to Amy’s birthday.
Hubby and I were talking about it the other day. He said, “I can’t believe Amy will be in her thirties.”
“She’s not ‘in her thirties’,’ I immediately corrected him. “She’s 30.”
“Did she tell you to say that?” he laughed.
“No. But I know Amy. She’s 30.”
We both laughed at that one because we both knew I was right.

Amy has always had a very definite, and sometimes unique, way of seeing things. One of her favorite sayings, when corrected, used to be, “Well, in Amy’s world, it is that way.”
I could give you some examples, but I don’t want to pick on the girl. It is her birthday after all.
It’s been fun seeing Amy grow into the beautiful young woman that she’s become.
I don’t know if there’s ever been a more-dedicated wife and mother.

Hubby and I are both very proud of Amy and everything she’s been able to accomplish. Even if I wasn’t there at the very beginning, she’s still my daughter. But you know what is sometimes better?
She’s also my friend.
Happy Birthday, Amy!
Dad and I both love you very much. May you have many, many, many more happy years to follow.
Wanna know what else has happened on March 1 throughout the years? Follow this BBC link.
Thanks Mom!(And yes, lets only share selective stories to my children. Lol.)
Yay, some pictures that I hadn’t seen in a *very* long time! Happy birthday to Amy!
Psst! As the aunt (versus mother or grandmother) to those children, I’m definitely allowed – expected even! – to share whatever stories I choose. Oh, I’ll be selective. I’ll select the really juicy ones, lol!
Ha, that’s just what sisters are for!
What a beautiful post. It makes sense though because Amy is beautiful and so is her family (And so are you). She’s lucky to have you for a mom figure and friend. That’s something all girls can’t be with their moms. Happy Late Birthday, Amy!