I Am Alive

pile_of_rockHi, folks.

Yes, it sort of feels like I have been hiding under a big pile of rocks.

I failed the challenge miserably at the end. I was away with girlfriends Feb 25-28, and the hotel in which we were staying had weak-ass Wifi. I had every intention of posting daily from my room, but didn’t want to abandon my girlfriends in search of a stronger Wifi signal.

Sunday, after four straight days of being up, on the go, shopping, chatting, and interacting with people, plus the 3-hour drive home, I was exhausted. Then midday on Monday, a cold hit me. Horrendous sore throat and awful stuffy head. It was all I could do to drag myself out of bed and work very busy days all week long. My poor nose is red, peeling, and sore! I look wonderful.

I am feeling much better today, but still not great. I hope to catch up on reading and posting soon. I hope you are all well.