What’s So Funny?

You know, everyone has a different sense of humor.

Some people, like me, find this funny. (It’s not a political thing for me. I just think it is pretty well done.)

Others like stuff like this. Hubby gets all the credit for finding that one!

There are folks who just need simple little pictures to brighten their day. If you’re one of THOSE people, you have to check this one out, too. And this one.

Me, I’m more of a video person. I mean, images are funny. But there are some videos that just crack me up. No matter what mood I’m in.

This one is GUARANTEED to make you smile.

If you don’t smile at THAT last one, well, you’re just a big, miserable dork.

The Nose Game

I have something new, cool and exciting to post. It’s not really super-new. But it is cool and exciting. I shot the video back in July. And I have been meaning to post it here on my nifty little blog. Seriously. But I forgot.

Don’t hit PLAY yet! Let me tell you about the nose game first. It’s Hubby’s creation.

Every day when Hubby gets home from work, he greets “the girls” (our two Brittanys) then sends them outside to pee. Or poo. That really doesn’t matter. What’s important is that while they’re outside, he puts two big, fragrant treats in a plastic container (with holes punched in the side so the scent can escape) and hides the container somewhere on the main level of our house. Part of the hiding involves him walking through all the rooms, shaking the container to make sure the scent is all over the place. The object of the game is simple. The dogs have to use their nose to sniff out the treats. When they find them, they’re supposed to sit. Whoever finds the container gets their treat first.

You can hit PLAY now…

I hope you enjoyed watching the nose game as much as the girls enjoy playing. And as much as Hubby and I like watching them in action!


Originally uploaded by kingkong21

I haven’t posted anything for two days. TWO whole days. Sorry. Have you missed me?

Not much has happened that is worth blogging about. Nevertheless, not wanting to make it three days with no post, I decided to look at Flickr this morning for a cool picture to post.

It never ceases to amaze me the things people like to take photos of. Like this Batman toy looking at what certainly appears to be a pile of poo. (Of course, this person may find my nature photos strange.)

The same person took this photo, too, which also features crap, but which I also find oddly appealing. It is odd, but I like it better than this one posted by a different person. Here’s a really cool shot by yet another person.

I found them all on Flickr’s “interestingness” area.

Hopefully something interesting will happen to me soon! Till then, thanks for stopping by!

What the EFF?

The thing about writing a blog, especially a blog like mine without a defined niche or “voice”, is that it isn’t always easy to come up with stuff to write about.

It’s not so much writer’s block as it is deciding what bit of your life is interesting or dramatic enough to blog about. No one wants to read about someone else’s average, ordinary day.

It might be tempting for some to write about work. After all, most of us spend more time with co-workers than we do with our families. And funny stuff does tend to happen at work.

Don’t. Even if your job is interesting and you have nothing but great things to say about your employer. Because bloggers have been fired for doing just that. Some companies just don’t like blogging, I guess.

The most famous fired-for-blogging blogger is Heather Armstrong of Dooce. She’s so famous, in fact, that the term “dooced” was coined for her. It pretty much means you got fired / reprimanded / shunned / tarred and feathered because your employers / family / friends found out that you blog and don’t like what you have to say. Some folks are being let go not because they write about their companies, but because their employers find their views objectionable.

Some employers have a point. Some people, like the Citigroup trader responsible for this “gem” of a blog, deserve it. (In my opinion, it wouldn’t hurt to have folks like him exiled from society completely. Sadly, it’s been reported that his sick site gets 60,000 hits a day!)

If you’re going to blog, you should be aware of the rules. Which is the whole point of this post. I stumbled across the Web home of the Electronic Freedom Foundation (EFF) and thought I’d share it with my not-so-vast, but hopefully growing, fan base.

They clue you in on things like legal liability issues, defamation rules, intellectual property rights, etc. Which is good to know. Because it is so easy, thus very tempting, when using the Internet to lift images, borrow text, poke fun at people, etc.

So, while it isn’t “gripping” reading by any stretch of the imagination, it’s good to know the site and the group exists.

If you’re wondering about the image I used in this post, I didn’t create it. I got it from CKSinfo.com. And I read their “terms of use” first.

If you’re wondering if I ever blog about work, I don’t. I mean, I’ve admitted that I do have a job. And I’ve probably at least alluded to the fact that I work from my home office. But I like my co-workers. My bosses rock. The company I work for has treated me fairly. And that’s pretty much the most I’ll ever say about it.

It’s Just Nature, Baby.

So, in yesterday’s post, I told you I had lots of nature pics to share. I was going to post them all here. That is until I realized I had more than 30 to share. Even I think that’s a lot of pics for a blog. And I’m a photo nut.

Anyway… I also mentioned the soldier beetle yesterday. Why? Well, ’cause they’re in lots of my pictures.

I was walking with the dogs at our WV place, camera in hand, enjoying the very tall, yellow wildflowers growing in abundance along our driveway. Along the road, too. Me being me, I took a closer look and saw this.

Not too remarkable, eh? Then I saw this.

Um, well, me being me, of course I thought to myself, “Heh, heh, look. Bug sex.” (There’s a kid in all of us you know.)

So I kept looking. The more I looked, the more bug sex I witnessed.

There are lots of yellow flowers. And there were copulating bugs on just about every flower I saw.

Going to town.

I was amazed. Not just at the numbers, but how densely congregated they were.

Next year, I’m thinking there will be lots of baby soldier beetles.

This wider-angle view might give you a better idea as to how many active couples there were.

That one branch of ONE plant, had more than a dozen active couples (go ahead and click on the picture for a close-up, you know you want to).

And there are hundreds of plants! It wasn’t just soldier beetles, either. Check this out…

Amazing. I’d stumbled upon a bug orgy. And I couldn’t resist photographing all of it. Now I feel, well, sort of dirty.

The session wasn’t really all about graphic images of bug sex, but practicing close-up shots. I’m amazed how clear the pictures turned out. Considering I was holding the camera in my hand with no tripod and there was a slight breeze.

Here are a few more cool ones…

If you want to see the entire collection, visit my “Nature” album on Picasa. The SLIDESHOW is the fastest way to see the pics. You can also click on any of the photos above to see a larger view.

I hope you enjoyed the show!