Seeing Life from Different Angles

Most folks who read this blog already know me. And know how much I like to take pictures. I hesitate to call myself a “photographer” because I think of photographers as professionals who make money from their craft. “Amateur photographer” might fit. Or “aspiring photographer” maybe.

Shannon, one of my biggest fans, disagrees. She says if I take pictures like I do, I’m a photographer.

I doubt I’ll ever make money at it, but I do enjoy photography. I like looking at pictures, too. A lot. That’s what I like about Web sites like Flickr. You get to look at all kinds of images, good and bad, from people all over the world. It is a great way to learn.

One of the coolest aspects of photography is that it makes you look at the world in a different way. Here’s a good example for you (it is someone else’s picture, so just follow the “example” link). Who looks at leaves that closely? Me. Because I see what others have done using leaves in images.

The lady who took that photo has a whole set of pictures I think you might enjoy. She has titled the set, Phoetry. A great name, if you ask me, because pictures like those in her set have the power to take me away, even if for just an instant, and let me appreciate simple beauty.

Here are some pics from another person, a guy in this case. He calls his collection, Rural Poetry. Another apt descriptor.

Then there are shots like this one from a lady who likes taking pictures of her pet rat.

If you are bored one day and have time to kill, take a look at Flickr. You can start at my page, if you like. Or the Flickr home page. It is easy enough to navigate around. I bet you find at least one shot that moves you (if so, send me the link), probably more.

I hope you have a great Tuesday!

PS – I did walk yesterday and plan to do something today, too. If you were wondering…

We’re Off Having Fun in West Virginia

Hey, guess what? I finally figured out how to schedule posts. That way, I can write stuff like this in advance (it is Thursday evening as I am typing this) and have it post when I am not able to. Like, when I know we’ll be off in West Virginia.

Actually, I figured it out a week ago.

Still, Amy, if you are reading this, YES, you figured it out first!

Hopefully, when we get home, I’ll have all kinds of fun pictures to share. At least maybe I’ll have a few.

It’s Wordle Day!

Friday is a great day for a Wordle. What’s that you ask? If you read my Blog last Saturday, you’d know. I don’t feel like explaining it all again. So go back and read that post.

Although I have to admit, I screwed that one up. It has since been corrected (I entered the link wrong).

Wordles are fun. It is certainly an easy way to create a post when you have nothing at all worthwhile to chat about.

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

My parents have been married for 49 years. Yep, you read right. Forty-nine years! That’s very close to HALF A CENTURY.

Wow. What an accomplishment.

You’ve been great parents and have set a good example for bro and I (we’re both happily married, too). I hope you have a great day! I love you both.

Mind Like a Sieve

I forgot to walk today. Or do any other form of exercise. Seriously. I got so carried away with work, it totally slipped my mind. That’s dedication. Commitment.

It is more like stupidity, really. How can work occupy my mind THAT much? It wasn’t just work, though. There were other distractions, too. Sherree, the wonderful lady that cleans my house, was here today. And CeCe had diarrhea. And I had to go to the pharmacy to get some prescriptions filled. I had to eat lunch, too.

So exercise slipped my mind. Jeez…

I have some pictures to share, which is why I logged on to my Blog in the first place. The first one is a neat one, unPhotoShopped (except for cropping) that I had forgotten about. Until it popped up on Hubby’s computer screen. His screensaver is a program that cycles through photos.

It was one of those things I saw, and liked. So I took a picture. It makes a really cool photo, doesn’t it? This really is a good example of the world through my eyes. I am always looking at shapes, and lighting, and color contrasts, etc.

Here’s another picture I took. This one is PhotoShopped a bit. I cropped it. And made the sky bluer.

The SOOC version, except that I cropped it, too, is below.

The difference isn’t too dramatic, but it does make a difference. The bluer sky makes the building stand out more. The red bus adds a nice splash of color to the picture.

So which version do you like better? The one I blued-up or the SOOC shot? (Remember, SOOC = straight out of camera, i.e., unedited.)

"I-Q-U-I-T" Spells Happiness for Hubby

Do people say “I quit” any more? I think that “I resign” is more the norm. In the professional world anyway.

It doesn’t really matter, though, because it means the same thing….


We’re talking about Hubby here. Not me.

Mike turned in his resignation yesterday. He’s going to work for another company in the same industry. He’s got to put a few more weeks in at his current job before he gets to move on.

That’s the professional way to do things. It would have felt better to say something like, “Hey, asshole. I quit. I am so glad to be rid of you it isn’t funny. Actually, it is funny. HA HA! I’m happy. You will be out of my life, finally! Finally!”

I could go on, but I’ll stop before I end up typing really nasty words.

It is nice to see Hubby happy. He deserves it.

“You, go, Hubby! I’m proud of you!”

On another note…

I posted a picture yesterday. I admitted to PhotoShopping it. The result, though manipulated, is pretty neat.

Amy (youngest daughter) asked what the SOOC (straight out of the camera) image looks like. I guess you’d all appreciate it more if you could see the before and after.

So here we go…

Before (Boooooring)

After (Artful)

PhotoShop is a great program, but I have TONS to learn. And not enough spare time to do it!

Oh yeah, I exercised today. On my rebounder. So I’m no loser today!