Random Image to Share

death valley
Originally uploaded by jengray

So, nothing very interesting happened today. Though I did discover that when I am being, like, all voyeuristic and digging through other people’s pictures on flickr, I can share the ones I really like. When I come across a cool one–a really cool one, one that I REALLY like and wish that I had taken–I can just click and add it to my Blog. Cool, eh?

A quick and easy way to keep my Blog fresh. Have you ever just sat and clicked through flickr photos? This could get way out of hand. It is sort of like when you watch a video on YouTube. It leads to another. Then that one leads to another one. It is a vicious circle. At least it is entertaining.

Try it. You’ll see what I mean. Check out my new buddy, Alaska Dave’s, photostream. Once you have looked at some of his pictures, like THIS cool one, look at his Favorites (other people’s pictures that Dave likes. Trust me, you’ll be sucked right in. So, if you’re in the middle of cooking dinner or something, STOP CLICKING NOW. Otherwise, your dinner will burn.

Shhh… We Bought Some GRASS

Once upon a time, back before we decided to build a house in West Virginia, we had a decent lawn. Notice, I didn’t say “nice”? We’ve never really had a nice lawn. There have been times when it was pretty decent, but never nice enough that I’d want to take my shoes off and run, frolicking, happily barefoot across the lawn. We never had grass that looked as nice as the grass shown in the picture below.

There was a reason it was never nice. It is because of where we live (Anne Arundel County, Maryland, USA). We’re very close to the Chesapeake Bay. We don’t really have “dirt”, the rich, dark-brown stuff people grow stuff in. The ground here is a mixture of sand and clay. Stuff just doesn’t grow well because the water runs right through it. To make stuff grow, you really have to work at it; fertilize regularly, keep it mowed and free of leaves and, most important, keep it watered.

Mike used to work pretty hard to keep it looking nice. Then we started building that darn house in WV and the lawn got neglected. Pretty much everything at the Maryland house was neglected because all of our spare time, what little we both have, was spent working away in WV.

So, we’re finally done (for the most part) in WV. Now we can make the MD place look nice again. Our lawn was nothing but weeds. Mike decided the only remedy that really made sense was to have an irrigation system installed and sod laid.

Finally, we have a nice lawn! The grass you see in the picture above is our new grass. It is awesome. It is a shame I didn’t take any “before” shots. You’ll just have to trust me when I say it looked BAD.

I can walk barefoot in our yard and enjoy it! The dogs like it, too.

That’s Meg in the picture on the left. Usually after being outside for a short time, she would be ready to come in. Now, she does her business then lays down and makes herself comfortable in a shady spot on the cool, new lawn.

CeCe likes it, too. She’s our dog who, I swear, does not like having her picture taken (that’s why she looks grumpy). Unless she has to poo and/or pee really bad, she actually walks outside, steps off the patio and lays down on her belly.

Now, I just need to figure out how to rig my computer so I can see the monitor while sitting outside. Then I could work from my new yard office! That would be awesome. Working at home has it’s perks, but one drawback is that I feel sort of like a hermit at times. I hardly ever go anywhere. I even eat at my desk, which is really dumb, I know, but I am usually on a roll and like to keep working. Anyway…

This final picture of Meg pretty much sums up the way we feel about our new grass (and irrigation system, of course). I call it, “The Satisfied Customer.”

Oops, one more thing… the moose picture in my previous post was taken in Wyoming at Grand Teton National Park.

You, too, can have a beautiful lawn.
Just Visit the American Turf Web site.

Guess the State

I was looking through some pictures this morning, trying to decide what to post on my blog when I came across the photo shown here on the right. I wondered how many of my loyal readers (if I have any loyal readers) could guess where this photo was taken. Those of you who only recently discovered my blog, and who have only known me for a couple of years, probably won’t guess. It is not as obvious as you might think.

Speaking of loyal readers, I am thinking I have at least three who check here periodically. Two of those three are shown in the photo below…

This image, which is four years old, of my three kids (L-R: Shannon, Amy and Eric) was taken as they prepared to go whitewater rafting on the Gallatin River. It was taken several days before the moose photo. It was not in the same state that the moose photo was taken.

Care to guess where the moose were? If yes, leave a comment. How? At the end of this post, you’ll see a time followed by a number and the word “comments.” Click on “comments” and you’ll be directed to the page where you type in your comment. Just follow the directions on the screen. It is easy.

This is a dual test to see if, a) I have more than three loyal readers and b) any of those loyal readers can name the right state.

Happy Friday!

Woo hoo! It’s Friday! Better yet, for me it is a “summer Friday.” That means I am off work for the day. Only if I work four 10-hour days Monday-Thursday. It isn’t a complete freebie, but it is still a good deal. When I am actually able to take advantage of it, that is. Sometimes, there’s just too much work to do (my job is very deadline-oriented).

This Friday is one of those rare Fridays when I am actually off. And I just don’t know what to do with myself. I’m sure I’ll think of something…

Today’s picture is an old one. It was taken in September 2003 during a weekend trip Mike and I took to Lancaster County, PA. I found a cute little B&B online called Frogtown Acres that I just could not pass up! Me being ToadMama and all.

We rode our motorcycles up for the weekend. Sunday morning when I went outside to explore, I was delighted to find a pasture full of cows just steps from our door. I went over to the fence, said “smile” to the cows, and snapped this picture.

Most people don’t realize (and most probably don’t care) that the frog on the home page for my Web site is an actual picture. I PhotoShopped it a bit to add the weird plastic texture, but it really is a picture of the patio at Frogtown Acres.

You can see it in the picture on the right, as well as the cow pasture, which was empty at the time. It really is a cute little place. It is surrounded by Amish farms and the host, Joe, had some entertaining stories to tell about his neighbors and the Amish ways in general.

My father’s family is from Lancaster County. Although I was born in Lancaster, we moved to Maryland when I was about 18 months old. I am a Marylander (for now), although I yearn to be a westward-bound pioneer!

Reality Sucks

So, here I am back in Maryland. Back to my normal life. Alaska is quickly becoming a distant memory (but it will ALWAYS be a good memory). I am back to work (sigh). Back to seeing the days FLY by, leaving me wondering where the time is going. I know that is a cliche, but it is true.

Today’s image is one I shot this past weekend at our West Virginia place. There was this cool patch of wild daisies growing at the end of our driveway. I’m not of those people to stop and smell the flowers, but I do like to stop and take a closer look to see what kind of critters may be present. I am not sure what this thing is–it may be a cave cricket, which I absolutely hate when full grown (they are ugly and just give me the creeps)–but I thought it made for a neat photo.

Back in the Day

Even though the real reason I created this Blog was to document our Alaska trip, which is now over, I kind of enjoy posting stuff. Whether or not anyone will read it remains to be seen.

I figure each day I’ll either pick a photo from my existing collection or take a new picture to post. Since it is pretty early still, I’m using one from my collection. It shows my grandmother (left) and mother (right) on a day trip we took seven years ago to the butterfly exhibit at Brookside Gardens (Montgomery County, Maryland).

I sort of forgot I had this picture. Until the other day when I had to find old pictures to print for Grandma to help with her therapy. Sadly, Grandma had a stroke back on May 27. She is 94 years old. She is doing okay for someone that age who has suffered from a stroke, though. She can still move her arms and legs, and her face was not disfigured, but she is not able to swallow and has to learn how to talk all over again. She can’t read either, which has always been one of her favorite things to do. She didn’t get around that well before the stroke, and now she gets around even less.

She had been living with my Aunt Kathy for the past seven years. Aunt Kathy has done a fabulous job taking care of her for all those years. But, because of her current condition, unless she improves dramatically, Grandma won’t be going home. She is still in a hospital now, but will soon be moved to an acute care facility.

It was tough to hear about while away in Alaska, which is why I never mentioned it here before. I was quite torn about whether to stay or come home. I knew if Grandma could talk, she’d tell me to stay.

When I did go see her on June 8, she actually said “hi” when I walked into the room. That was the first thing she’d said since the stroke. She’s getting therapy and trying to talk, but it will take time. It is awful to see her like that.

Know what is neat about this picture? I did have a print made to show to Grandma. When she saw it, she smiled and pointed at herself. She was trying hard to say something, but it wouldn’t come out. And I couldn’t think of what she was trying to say. On the way home, it hit me. The shirt she is wearing in the photo is the same shirt she was wearing when I went to see her on Sunday.

Not a very happy post today, but that’s how life is. Keep my Grandma in your thoughts and prayers.