Honey, Grab the Camera. It’s a Bear!

I took the above photo on a recent trip to Alaska. Hubby and I spent two weeks touring various parts of the state. Many people have asked, “Did you enjoy your vacation? Are you happy to be home?” To all, I have answered, “Yes, the vacation was awesome. No, I am not happy to be home.”

The truth is, I really did spend the entire first week back pissed off because I absolutely loved Alaska and didn’t want to leave. The weather was perfect for us. The scenery is magnificent. We got to see all kinds of critters (like the bear shown above). And made new friends.

Alas, we did have to come home. It wouldn’t have been so bad, maybe, if we hadn’t returned to Maryland’s horrible summer heat and humidity. And work. We do need to make a living, but I really enjoyed those two weeks of leisure!

I’ll stop whining. After all, we’ve been home for over a month. I don’t spend all of my spare time dreaming of life in Alaska. I do think about it a lot though. And I am really close to applying for a spot on Discovery’s Alaska Experiment

Anyway, on his way out of the house for work this morning, Hubby told me he’d seen on the news that a Cruise West cruise ship ran aground in one of the inlets in Glacier Bay. I just had to look it up to see if there was any damage, like an oil spill or something, because Glacier Bay is one of the most beautiful places on Earth (that I have experienced, anyway). And it would suck, big time, to have any of it spoiled.

There was no damage, fortunately.

While I was researching, I ended up at the Anchorage Daily News Web site (where else?). One of their regular features is BEAR SIGHTINGS. Me being the critter freak that I am, I just had to look. I thought it was pretty cool. I also thought some of my loyal readers would like to take a peek, too. Which is the entire reason for this post. Lame, maybe, but bears are awesome. Seeing bears in Alaska is the best! What’s most amazing is where many of the sightings occur… in backyards! If you haven’t already followed the “bear sightings” link above, CLICK HERE. Enjoy!