Wednesday evening we headed for the WV place for some R&R. It was wonderful.
On Thursday, I went to visit the Farnham Colossi (follow that link to read all about it on my other blog).
Friday, Hubby and I went for a LONG ride through the VA countryside (230+ miles).

It was fabulous. The weather was gorgeous, though it did get a bit hot by the end of the day.

One day soon we’ll have to try for a shot of both of us together.
On Saturday we went to visit our friends Kathy and Barry and we did some off-roading.

This is their driveway. They’re in the midst of improving the property. It doesn’t look too bad in the picture, but trust me when I say riding my motorcycle up and down that thing AND remaining upright made me quite proud of myself. I never would have attempted that on the cruiser. It’s way rougher than I should have attempted on the GS. But I keep telling myself people ride these things through the Amazon rain forest, I should be able to do a steep, rutted dirt driveway in Maryland for gosh sakes. And I did. 🙂
Seriously, I was amazed I made it to the top without falling. It was like riding a bucking bronco. I knew there was a very good chance of crashing on the way down, i.e., falling over at about 3 mph. A tiny little part of me was thinking I should have one of the guys get my bike back to the bottom, but I quashed that stupid, small voice of reason and went for it. And I survived!
Afterward, we rode into Frostburg and had a nice Mexican dinner at El Canelo.

I really wanted a margarita. Really, really. But alcohol and motorcycles don’t mix. Even when I was young and stupid (I got my motorcycle license at 18), I never so much as sniffed a drink when riding.
Sunday was a homebody day. I actually gave both bikes a much-needed bath. In addition to that off-roading, we’d hit quite a few dirt roads of late. They were both pretty dirty. Then I hacked a path through the trees, something I have wanted to do since forever, so I can walk the dogs without having to duck under a bunch of low-hanging branches.
Today (Monday) we did a short two-hour ride and found some cool new roads. Isn’t it amazing that we can still find roads near here that we’ve never ridden before? I mean, really. We’ve been here for SEVEN years now.
Tomorrow we’ll need to straighten up and then head back to reality. The break was good while it lasted! I hope you’ve enjoyed a nice, long weekend, too!