Why We Are Here

Inevitably when we tell people we built a house in West Virginia, they ask, “Why?”

Our response? Because West Virginia has a LOT of great motorcycle roads.

We usually leave it at that because, unless we’re talking to motorcyclists, folks just don’t get it. Most people think a road is a road. They understand how we might like to get away from traffic and congestion, but they don’t really appreciate the difference between a road through the suburbs and country roads. Mountainous country roads at that.

I’ve shared some pictures here and there, but today I decided to do something different. I’m going to share a bunch of pictures, many of which I took with my little point and shoot camera while we were riding.

First, a map of the route.

The route was something like 190 miles.

Hubby planned this ride. He and I take turns. We both try not to do too many repeat roads. It’s amazing how, after FIVE years here we are still discovering new roads.

Remember, to get a larger view, click on any of the images on the page.

Hubby gassing up the bikes at the 7-Eleven in Romney.
This was the first really clear day we've had in a long time. And temps were in the low 70s.
Intersection in Petersburg, West Virginia.
Pendleton County Courthouse in Franklin, WV.
Hubby found us a nice little picnic table on the courthouse lawn for our snack break.
Since I was busy documenting the trip, he got our snack set up.
Gas station in Franklin, WV that advertised 52-inch pizzas.
Heading back north (roughly) toward Romney.
The road alternates between running alongside pastures and through woods.
It also alternates between straight and curvy.
Sometimes the roads are flat, but more often they are quite hilly.
I like the colors in this image. We were probably traveling at least 45 mph when this was taken.
The views are almost always pretty.
When the roads are hilly AND curvy is when they're the most fun.
Dodging vultures.

If you click on the image above, you’ll see that Hubby has veered into the wrong lane to avoid a flock of vultures that was busily munching on a deer carcass. Even though he was in the opposite lane, he still spooked them. Vultures are big and slow. I think about three took off as he approached. Had he not ducked AND veered slightly more to the left, his head would’ve hit one. There was one left on the shoulder of the road as I passed. Wouldn’t you know the stupid thing would take off right as I passed and almost hit me in the side of the head!

Not only are the roads amazing, there was hardly any traffic.
Notice the rocks looming above the road?
Skirting around a rock outcropping.

So now when Hubby and/or I start droning on about how fabulous the motorcycle roads are here in West Virginia, you’ll have a better idea as to what exactly we mean.

I hope you enjoyed your virtual journey.