I Am Not Alone

I’ve been feeling a bit of a wuss these past couple of really hot days. I mean, I’m itching to ride that motorcycle of mine, but it’s just been too darn hot. On Monday, Hubby and I spent the day in the air-conditioned truck exploring Shenandoah and Warren counties in Virginia. It was like the old days, before we had bikes, and car rides were all we had as far as options for exploring.

I sort of felt sorry for the bikers that were on the road. Seriously, when it’s 95 degrees, the hot wind doesn’t cool you even one little bit. One of the blogs I read had a good post about hot weather riding. She also had a very cool ice cream truck picture.

We’re hoping it cools off soon. We both would like to get some riding in.

We did do a 225-mile trip on Friday afternoon. We headed west from Romney, went through Grafton and then down around Tygart Lake. (West Virginia has some really nice state parks. The cabin area at this park was gorgeous.)

Our ride would have been longer, but we got a late start since I ended up working after all (I was supposed to have the day off). That REALLY sucks because Friday was perfect riding weather. Saturday would’ve been good, too, but we had other plans for the day.

It’s supposed to cool off some by the end of this week. We’re keeping our fingers crossed…