That’s how I discovered Scary’s West, which is one of the Blogs I recommend in my collection of links better known as Other People’s Blogs. Some of the Blogs are cool and totally suck me in. Others are, um, weird.
Now, I know that I haven’t quite found my posting niche. There’s no real purpose for this Blog. But it gives me something to do. Yet another of my many hobbies I never have enough time for! (I just wish I’d started it years ago so I could’ve documented the WV Project here instead of on my Web site.)
When my Blog “grows up” and becomes a really interesting Blog that thousands of people visit every day, I want to appear in Blogs of Note. In the meantime, I’ll just post random pictures and talk about stupid stuff like how I aspire for this to be a Blog of Note.
Until then, here’s another random picture. I was going through holiday pictures a while ago and found this one of me and my Grandma from Christmas 2007.
Earlier this evening, though I am not sure why this thought popped into my brain, I realized I’ve never really posted any pictures of Hubby. Of course, he was in some of the vacation pics, but those were incidentals. I think I should post one of just him all by himself. On purpose. My latest favorite of him is below…
I’m not sure why I like it so much. He doesn’t look particularly happy (though I know he was). Maybe it’s just because I caught him off guard and he doesn’t have that “do-you-have-to-take-ANOTHER-picture” look.
Anyway, I’m interested to see if others like the picture, too. Click on “comments” below and let me know.