Well, I’m happy to report that my turn has almost arrived. Finally.
Hubby and I usually vacation together, but he chose to use his time off for the Four Corners ride. That’s why I’m going off on a solo trip.
My “adventure” won’t be anywhere near as grand as Hubby’s. Or adventuresome in the true sense of the word. It’s just a road trip, really. But I’ll be doing what I want to do, or not do, when I want to do it. Or not.
Faced with endless possibilities, I had a really hard time deciding what to do and where to go. I’m still not sure exactly what I will be doing or where I’ll be going, which is quite uncharacteristic for me. I have no routes mapped and no reservations made.
Saying “no routes mapped” means I don’t have anything plugged into any sort of GPS. I do have one route planned for the first couple of days, but it doesn’t require a map. I’ll be riding the Blue Ridge Parkway (BRP), from the north end to the south end.
I’ve got my maps, and I’ve made note of things I’d maybe like to see, if I feel like it.
I’ll just be winging it as I go. I may stick around the NC/TN/VA mountains around Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP) for most of the week. Maybe I’ll head to the coast, but, with this heat, I doubt it.
I’m sure I’ll see some LOVE along the way, and other quirky roadside oddities. Because that’s my idea of fun.
I’m supposed to leave on Saturday, but, with Tropical Storm Depression Bill potentially heading our way, I just might leave on Friday instead.
That’s a lot of uncertainty, isn’t it?
I set up a tracker map. If you want to follow along, it’s ToadMama on Spotwalla.
Tracking won’t work until I actually leave and activate the tracking device. So, if you follow the link and see something like, “Sorry, no messages at this time.”, it means I haven’t left. Or I forgot to activate the tracker. LOL.
You might also see some images of interest popping up on Instagram, too.
If you don’t care to follow along or look at pics of the stuff I find interesting, that’s cool. I expect I’ll do a post or two from the road as well. I should be back home on or before June 28. That’s the plan, anyway, or lack thereof.
I’m excited.