A Chilly End to 2016

When I rolled out of bed this morning, I had no real plans for last day of 2016. I kinda-sorta wanted to go for a motorcycle ride, but it was 20 degrees at 6:30 when I let the dogs out. Pretty cold, if you ask me.

It never did warm up, but I decided to ride anyway. There was a 20,000 mile milestone I’d set for myself earlier in the year but hadn’t hit.

It was 42.8 when I left around noon. Thank GOD for heated gear.

Finally Hit 20,000 Miles!
Finally Hit 20,000 Miles!

It wasnt a pretty day. And the low to mid 40s is rather chilly on a motorcycle. But it felt good to be out there. Really.

The Barns at Marriott Ranch
The Barns at Marriott Ranch

Happy New Year!!!