We have not traveled much. Back in June, I spent an abbreviated week working in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina. I really wanted to go to the beach, and I knew a change of scenery would be refreshing.
In July, we visited our daughter Amy and her family for a long weekend, then came home and just pretended we were retired for the rest of the week. It was quite enjoyable.
We’ve been talking about getting an RV for a while. Over the past couple of years we’ve been to several big RV shows looking at various sizes, models, and floor plans. Recently, Hubby happened to find one for sale online that has all the features and layout we wanted. It’s a bit bigger than we thought we’d get, but the price was right, so…
Next weekend, we will be driving south to Kentucky to pick up our new-to-us coach. Initially, we thought we would sell the house and then buy an RV, but this way we’ll be able to decide if we actually like living in the thing for weeks or months at a time. If we don’t, we can keep our house and figure something else out. I’m pretty sure we will like it, though. But time will tell.
Maybe now I will at least have some interestingness to blog about. We are both very much looking forward to easing into this next chapter in our lives.