LOVEly Day to Visit Manassas

On Saturday, for most of the day, temps were in the 20s (F), or below. And we got about 10 inches of snow. Around dusk, temps started to climb, and the snow turned to sleet, and then freezing rain. Temperatures continued their upward swing through evening and into the next day.

Sunday was downright warm. Highs topped out in the mid-40s, and there was lots of sun. People were shoveling snow from sidewalks and driveways while wearing t-shirts without jackets.

It was weird, but I’ll take it.

Look at that gorgeous blue sky.

Caboose in Oldtown Manassas


I’d planned to go to Costco in Manassas on Saturday, but canceled due to the snow. I went on Sunday instead.

I don’t really like going to Manassas. It’s essentially the outer ring of Northern Virginia. Crowded, full of traffic, LOTS of people, and did I mention the crowds? But there’s no Costco in Warrenton. No PetsMart, either. And no big beer and wine superstores.

Since I only go to Manassas if I have to, and it wouldn’t make for a very nice motorcycle journey, I decided I should swing by the Manassas LOVEwork on my way to the store today.

Manassas LOVE3 copy
LOVEwork in Manassas, Virginia


If you missed my original post about the Virginia LOVEworks, CLICK HERE.

I’m hoping to snag pics of all 40 this year. They won’t all be reached by motorcycle, but that’s okay. I enjoy road trips on four wheels, too.

The Manassas piece is the fourth one I captured. That means I’ve captured 10% of them and it’s only February. Can you tell I’m in business development? 🙂

Manassas LOVEwork
Manassas LOVEwork


It’s a rather plain piece. But it’s still a big ole hunka LOVE.

I hope y’all enjoy the final week of February. Spring is right around the corner. Yippee!!!