The Kirkpatrick's D.I.Y. Project for 2005

Shingle Installation - Part III

November 18 - 20, 2005

This shingling stuff is getting repetitive. It takes
time. It would be easier if the roof weren't so steep.
But then it wouldn't look as nice. We started on
Saturday with a blank "canvas" to work on.

The good news is, we're closer to having electricity.
At some point during the previous week, power poles and
hardware were delivered. We hope to have power this week.

A closeup of the hardware.

Mike had to cut some shingles to get us started.
They have to be staggered just so, or the roof will leak.

It's hard to tell with all of the shadows, but
we got about half of the roof covered on Saturday.

No rest for the weary...

First-thing Sunday it was back onto the roof.
Mike wasn't too happy that I was stalling. Can't
you just hear him say "get your ass up on this
roof now"? He wouldn't say that! Well, not to
me anyway. He was actually doing a Popeye pose,
but with this old, slow camera, I missed it.

Here I am on the roof, working hard. Laugh if you will,
but how many hours have you spent sitting on the peak of a
roof slinging shingles? It's a bit tough on the rear.

This is my ever-so-graceful dismount.

Mike works his way down the slope. It was quittin' time!

The dogs always enjoy welcoming us back to Earth.

We think it is because they miss us. But it may have something
to do with the treats they get a break time.

Meg, my 45-pound lap dog.

This shingling really is hard work. Mike was
so tired he let me drive the whole way home!

Again, it is hard to see because of the shadows, but
we did get a lot of work done. One more day should do it.
If the days weren't so short, we would would be finished by
now, but you can't install shingles in the dark.

This herd of deer was waiting at the end of Turkey Hollow
Road as we were leaving. Our neighbors feed them. If you would
like to see a close-up, CLICK HERE.

I know I keep saying this, but we really hope to finish next weekend.
Keep your fingers crossed for us that the weather holds.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

CLICK HERE to see a really cute T-day message.
You need sound to appreciate it. I have my good friend
Tracey Stavros to thank for sending this one!


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