The Kirkpatrick's D.I.Y. Project for 2005

How We Spend Our Spare Time

July 9, 2005

When The Foreman does not have me doing construction-type chores, I cut wood.
Clearing the many piles of trees spread around the property is not a priority, but it
does need to get done. Our construction was delayed a bit (rain prevented the excavator
from backfilling during the week), so we had some time on our hands.

This pile may look big, but you should have seen it before I started working on
it. I estimate that I have spent about 12 hours on this pile alone.

I am actually starting to make a pretty good dent in it.

I was tired of working on the big pile, so I switched spots.

Mike cuts some rebar for use when pouring the slab.

I got tired of the chain saw, so I started up
the bulldozer and pushed some dirt around.

Bulldozing is fun! The seat is really comfy.

Uh... in case you haven't guessed, it wasn't really running.

One of about 5 wood piles along the driveway.

Here's another one.

And another one...
We hope to get back to work next weekend.


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