The Kirkpatrick's D.I.Y. Project 2006 (Year Two)
Still More Progress Indoors
July 28 - 30, 2006
The exciting news this week is not only did we sell the camper
on eBay AND get paid for it, but it is gone! Yes, the camper served its
purpose. But it is nice to have the thing gone.
It looks much better without the trailer there, doesn't it?
I wasn't there to see it in person — Eric and I were in Virginia — so
Mike took lots of pictures for me. I had to see how it looked without it. Keep
in mind that we parked the trailer there before we even had lines on the ground
to outline the foundation. So we'd never seen the house without the trailer.
Only CeCe was unhappy about it. That's where she hid when we made noise.
Now she has to go hide in the woods!
We can actually use the garage to park now, too.
Mike actually does work when I am not there. This particular weekend
he installed register boots in preparation for the installation of ducts.
He added some more kitchen lights. He also installed foamboard
(white stuff under the roof) to keep the blown-in insulation from
migrating out into the space over the porch where we don't need it.
Another register boot and more foamboard (it is a relatively long porch).
This moth, which I thought was a Luna Moth, but isn't, paid Mike a visit. Luna
Moths are the only large moths I knew about. But when checking my insect facts
as I was preparing this page (geeky, I know), I discovered that it was a Polyphemus
Moth (Anthera polyphemus). It may not look big in the picture, but the Polyphemus
Moth is one of our biggest moths, growing up to a 5 1/2 inch wingspan.
Inside progress isn't as fun to watch as outdoor progress because the changes,
though important, can be very subtle. The truck in the garage isn't subtle. Of
course, it also isn't very exciting. But when I created this Web site I was
determined to document everything.
Maybe next week's progress will be more intriguing.
Actually, there was some excitement that weekend. While in Virginia visiting my brother, Tom, and his family, we took Tom's boat out on a fishing trip and I caught a Great White Shark! It was only about 2 1/2 feet long. Even if it isn't really "great," it was still cool. |
Here's a close-up of my shark. Josh, my 10-year-old nephew, wanted to keep it for a pet. But we let it go, thinking the friendly frogs in Tom's backyard pond probably wouldn't enjoy having Jaws as a pond-mate. |  |