According to the most recent Census data, Warrenton has a population of 9,803. The entire county only has ~67,000 people (that equates to 100.7 persons per square mile). The population of our Maryland county (Anne Arundel) was 555,743, which is 414.9 people per square mile. The town where we lived — Severn — by itself had a population of 44,231 in 2010, which equates to 2,497.1 people per square mile. That’s a lot of people.
Although the town of Warrenton has 2,136.3 people per square mile, it is surrounded by rural area. So it FEELS far less crowded. It is certainly more picturesque. Check out my Old Town Warrenton photo collection on FLICKR if you don’t believe me.
It is also surrounded by great motorcycle roads.
This past Saturday, my friend, Dottie, and I did a nice loop of just under 150 road miles. My last post features a nifty slideshow of the last part of the ride leading into town. There’s also a video of Dottie, who only recently got her motorcycle license, leading the way across Thornton Gap.
I just finished editing another video from that ride that I wanted to share. This Google MAP shows the route covered in my highlights video.

Look closely, and you’ll see Warrenton on the right-hand side of the map. Hopefully this will help you appreciate just how close we are to the AMAZING roads featured in the video below.
Are you ready to come for a visit yet?