Unanticipated LOVE

I’ll be the first person to admit that I sometimes go out of my way to see some of the stuff that I photograph.

Like the big Virginia LOVE signs. I’ve gone out of my way to see a bunch of those. But sometimes, I encounter them unexpectedly.

Take this past Thursday as an example. I left my house around 5:30 AM for the three-plus-hour to drive to the coast. About halfway, along I-64, east of Richmond, I had to stop for a bio break. That’s when I saw this LOVEwork.

LOVEwork in New Kent

I knew there was one down around there somewhere, but I didn’t realize it was at a rest stop. The East Coast Gateway Virginia Welcome Center to be exact.

Counting this love (New Kent, VA), the undocumented LOVE I saw in Sperryville recently, and the one I saw in Doswell, VA on my way to Carolina Beach, I have visited and captured pics of 49 LOVEworks!

I haven’t updated my log page, so you’ll just have to trust me.