I Don’t Think It Can Get Any Better

Sitka was nice. The ferry ride to Juneau was awesome. Our Juneau experience was not so great. But today we flew to Glacier Bay National Park. It is amazingly beautiful. I seriously don’t think it can get any better than this. There are snow-capped mountains everywhere. And lots of water.

There’s wireless Internet access in the main lodge, but not in our individual room. In-room access would be better, but I am actually surprised there is access from here at all. There is no cell phone service from the park, that’s for sure. It is quite remote.

We left Juneau around 10:00 AM on a six-seater plane (that count includes the pilot). Mike and I were the only passengers. It was sunny and clear in Juneau, but a huge fog bank was hanging between some of the mountains. In the pictures, what looks like a flat white snowfield is actually clouds.

It was actually a pretty clear day in the park, but it is cold here. We were both happy to have brought our winter coats. Tomorrow we go on the actual Glacier Bay cruise, so the pictures should be more exciting. We hope to see some whales. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

It is late, so I’ll sign off for now. I hope you enjoy today’s photo installment!