Random Happiness Welcome

I believe in the power of positive thinking. Really. As in optimistic thinking. Happy thoughts, good vibes, smiles, and stuff like that create positive energy. And positive energy always beats negativity. When there are a lot of negative things surrounding me, be they thoughts of my own, criticism from others, trash on the ground, a friend’s complaint about her husband, an ugly image, a horn blaring, or even something as simple as a frustrated tone of voice, I can feel the energy shift.

Because there is so much negativity in the world in general, I find that staying positive is getting harder and harder. It’s either that, or it’s always been this way and I am just plain TIRED of working so hard to stay happy.

I think that’s why inconsequential stuff makes me smile. Like this yoga dog.

Peace, friend.

My saying I work hard to stay happy sorta sounds like I’m alluding to depression. I am not. I’m talking about everyday life. Negativity, in any form, coming from you, directed at you, or even just going on around you offsets positive energy.  It’s draining. If one isn’t careful, those negative thoughts and emotions can really get under one’s skin.

In years past, I’d listen to people’s complaints. I’d try to empathize a bit, commiserate, somehow make them feel better, you know, be nice. Lately, I’m discovering that I have less and less patience for that sort of thing. I can’t just “be nice” all of the time anymore. I don’t have patience for Debbie Downer or Wallowing Wendy. Life is too short. And it really does feel like it’s getting shorter.

A four month hiatus and I come back with this wackadoodie post?! LOL.

if I’m being honest, the last four months have been mildly tumultuous in many ways. But things could always be worse. I’m doing my best to stay positive. Life is an adventure. I’ve always said the more twists and turns, hills and valleys, the better the ride. The road can be unpredictable, so I arm myself with a bunch of kind words and smiles, plow through the day doing my piece to keep Negative Nelly in her place, far away from me.


8 Replies to “Random Happiness Welcome”

  1. So good to see you post, Kathy! I’m really sorry we didn’t get to have our meetup, but things turned into a virtual storm as we sold the house, etc. It will happen during our travels for sure! I love your focus on staying positive. It really is difficult lately and requires focus to keep the negativity away. You inspire me to work harder at it. Life is really too short to live any other way! Hugs, friend! 🤗😍

    1. I understand completely. Things have a way of doing that. I’m happy you got everything done and can now fully immerse yourselves into the next phase of your lives. We may be looking to y’all for tips in a year or two. 😉

      1. Yippee! I am more than happy to share everything we’ve learned! I’ve been thinking about a blog post, but just need to make time to bang it out! 🤣

  2. We are surrounded by a sea of negativity. It’s like standing in the surf. It’s fine until it’s not and you get knocked about and then it’s time to head back to shore.

    The best recipe I think is to avoid the negative energy and focus on all the things that are right. I am trying to do that, but turning on the TV is becoming one of those things to avoid.

    I think that perhaps the best approach may be the Stoic route. Do what you can to change the things you have the power to change, and ignore the rest with as much equanimity as possible.

    It’s a challenge.

    1. David, well put. I’ve never thought about it like surf, but that’s a great analogy. I’ve been avoiding TV for awhile. Network programming anyway. It is a challenge, but since I’ve started consciously focusing on staying positive, it’s made a difference.

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