I miss blogging. Not just the act of blogging, either. I miss the life I had back when I was blogging regularly. The world today is just soooooo weird, in so many ways.
I am not the same person I was back then. I think that’s true for a lot of people. The world is changing faster than ever, and humanity seems to be changing right along with it. For better or worse. Don’t believe me? Have you seen the Netflix movie, The Social Dilemma? That link will take you to the trailer. It’s simultaneously interesting and disturbing on a rather deep level.
Anyway… this post is about Fall. I LOVE Fall. I mean, I love Spring, too, but I think Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. And that day, a week ago, when I was out walking and shooting pics to share with you, the weather was perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. And the sky was SUCH a beautiful, deep blue.
Most of these shots are straight out of the camera. Some were cropped, but I didn’t do any other photo manipulation. It really was a picture-perfect Fall day in the Virginia Piedmont. I hope you enjoy the pics, and the mini tour.

The next two images are very similar, yet very different. Which one do you like best and why? The difference between the two was achieved simply by taking two steps forward.

The last shot is my favorite.

Next post, I’ll tell you about our longest camping trip yet. It was lovely.
I also rarely do anything with pictures besides crop. I’m sure you can tell. Occasionally, I’ll get an email with my blog picture “properly photo-shopped”.
LOL, Richard. What do you do with those properly Photoshopped images? I do adjust images sometimes, but not often. I think your images are just fine.
What a coincidence, we watched the Social Dilemma last night. Wow!
I like perspective 2, but simply because it removes the wires from view!
Your town is beautiful. We have to visit someday, and hopefully, before you take off for parts unknown! 😁
Lynne, did you find Social Dilemma unsettling, too?
In my opinion, the pic with the wires is still interesting with all the various lines and angles, but I also like the one without the wires better.
I agree that Warrenton is a lovely place, and am hopeful you reach this area before we are no longer here.
Your photos are wonderful, very. nice.
I found that Social Dilemma was a little overstated in terms of how nefarious AI can get. AI is still very much artificial intelligence as opposed to real intelligence, and is best at finding needles in haystacks, doing obstacle avoidance, and aggregating a sea of details into some semblance of a pond of meaningful order.
That said, FaceBook and Twitter have been glacially slow in taking responsibilty for the abuse of their platforms in shaping political discourse through obviously false claims and outrageous conspiracy theories. Unfortunately, much of the audience for that trash is not very intelligent, not even artificially so, and more like genuinely stupid.
I have banished FaceBook and LinkedIn from my world. I still have Twitter and Instagram accounts, but I don’t post any content or use them or view content, unless it’s a friend posting legitimate and respectful content. Though I suppose that when I post on Blogger its algorithm posts to some or all of those platforms automatically.
Anyway, the internet we know is a far, far cry from the early days when all I could see was promise and wonder.
David, I agree the AI bit may have been a little exaggerated in terms of what’s possible now. But it is certainly an ominous look at where we could be heading. It’s the impact of social media that I find most disturbing. I don’t use Facebook any more either. I never did get into Twitter. I still use Instagram, but I keep reducing the number of people I follow and who follow me. I’m thinking about stopping altogether. I think that’s one of the reasons I blog less. It’s easy and convenient just to share pics on Instagram and be done with it. But I miss the writing part of blogging. And I really should read blogs more regularly instead of just looking at pics on Instagram. It’s sad that the Internet evolved the way it has. Yes, it has a lot of positive features, like enabling remote work, but there’s a dark side, too. But then, there’s a downside to everything.
Kathy, I miss posting to my blog because I too enjoy writing.
I feel that as Susan and I get into riding our folding Brompton bikes this coming spring, the blog will have wind in its sails once more because there is going to be a new set of two wheeled challenges and opportunities to share with the blogosphere.
I have a bunch of videos to to, but they take – so – freaking – long – to – produce… …. absolutely not spur-of-the-moment sharing of experiences or insights for me in that medium. Still it’s amazingly challenging and fun.
I think that the ideal mix will be blog posts and video uploads.
Time will tell.
If you keep writing, I’ll do my best to keep reading.
I have been binge-reading Richard’s blog in an attempt to catch up. I have to add Sonja’s blog too. It’s definitely not a chore in any way, it just requires that I get back into the blogging swing of things.
I’m going to disagree with you and Lynn and declare perspective #1 as my favorite. I actually really like how the wires cut across the top of the picture. It adds some interestingness. 🙂