My feet felt a bit raw afterward, and my legs were tired, but it was a lovely walk. I hope to do it again soon, if I feel like it. 😊
I decided I’d share my favorite capture here.

The scene intrigued me for several reasons. The first reason being that what clearly seemed to be a creek flowing onto the beach actually stopped on the beach, forming what was essentially just a big ole puddle of water. I walked around the nano-lake on the beach without even getting my feet wet. And there were fish living in there, too.
The second reason was just the way the photo turned out. I try hard to compose compelling scenes when I’m shooting pics, and I think this one fits the bill. Not only can you see the mini-pond on the beach, you can see the dramatic skies as rain clouds were moving into the area. Also the creek and pond make for interesting lines.
The third reason was to remind me to look up the actual name of the creek and check the map to see if the creek flows out the other side of the island. As it turns out, it’s not an actual creek. It’s what I can only describe as pond or swamp overflow. I’m sure the locals would have a better word for it.
I only wish I’d gotten a pic showing the shore around the watery anomaly. 🐸
Cool photo! I walked barefoot about 4 miles on the beach a number of years ago and actually blistered both feet. I grew up in Florida and always had calluses on my feet I guess. Not any longer 😁
Thanks. I walked twice as far today and my feet are sore. I even managed to step on a Blue Crab. It tried to bite me but didn’t grab hold. It did weird me out though. 😊
Nice photo. Just about every photo I take has a crooked horizon.
Thanks, Richard. I make a conscious effort to shoot flat horizons, but am not always successful. If I really like a pic and the horizon is slanted, I’ll edit and straighten before posting. The older I get, the harder it is since I need bifocals for close-up work, but I’m hoping my new glasses will help.