I don’t know about you, but I can’t help but wonder if the Universe (or God) has decided that humanity needs a wake-up call. I mean, shit is pretty unreal right now. It’s almost like The Stand, a book by Stephen King, in real life. For serious.
If you haven’t read The Stand, you can watch it as a made-for TV miniseries. In the book, a virus that’s 99.4% communicable escapes and wipes out 99.4% of the US population. Presumably, the rest of the world was similarly impacted, but the book didn’t go into that. It was set in the US. A lot of people died, but the focus was on the survivors. Some were drawn to good and some were drawn to evil. The good folk gathered in Boulder, Colorado and the bad went to Las Vegas. Of course, there was a showdown.
Anyhoo… this virus does not appear to be as dangerous, but there are still a lot of unknowns. Hunkering down and isolating ourselves from each other really does seem to be the best defense. But people aren’t heeding the warnings and advice. So chances are that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.
Rather than dwell on any of it, I’m trying to make the most of the situation. I am using this time to paint the basement. Painting is a very meditative task for me. There’s not a whole lot of thinking involved. Plus, I get to listen to music and sing as I paint.
I am generating lots of positive energy as I paint and sing. One can only absorb so much positivity, right? All the excess positive energy is flowing freely into the universe. To be used however, whenever, or by whoever. If every single person in the world who is able chose to do something similarly positive, think of all the positive energy that would be floating freely through the atmosphere.
Yes, I know that sounds crazy. BUT… if there’s one thing I have learned over the past few years, it is this… positivity, as in a positive outlook/attitude, goes a very long way.
Positive offsets negative. Always.
Worrying about the virus, what’s going to happen, how/when/if humanity will recover, etc., generates negative energy.
Each and every one of us has a choice. I choose to be positive. I’m going to keep painting and singing and hoping for the best. I’ll be responsible and stay sequestered away until this blows over. Or, until things get so bad that home is no longer a safe place to be.
Chances are good that it will not come to that, but no one knows what is in store for us. Really.
So, stop worrying. Think about happier times. The world is what each and every one of us make it to be. If you choose to worry, life will be tense. If you choose to let go and let God, or the Universe, or whatever you want to call it, proceed to the next level, I’ll see you there.
Here are a couple of random happy pics that I came across while searching for a post-appropriate image. Both really warmed my heart.

Think happy thoughts, people. We will get through this.
I’m not sure I’d be up for that Stephen King book. Maybe in a year or so. I seem to flip-flop between calm and worried. Right now, I’m trying to figure out alternate plans in case of this or that. I don’t need or want that kind of stress.
I like that last photo!
In hindsight, suggesting that as a read was dumb. Sorry. Life is too much like science fiction at the moment. I can’t imagine being in your shoes now. So many things to consider. You and Bridget are in my thoughts.
I’m in the same-ish boat as Richard. I wouldn’t watch or read anything by Steven King even if we weren’t in a global pandemic. I do not not to be more afraid or worried, and I don’t like scary stuff ever.
If the coach issue were resolved, or we even knew what the actual issue is, I would be more successful in being positive. I’m trying really hard, but the unknowns keep barging in.
I’ll try harder though. Obviously worrying isn’t helping…thanks for your positivity. Maybe it will rub off. 😊