Holiday Weekend Re-cap

We enjoyed a very busy, relaxing, fun-filled holiday weekend with part of our family, chock-full of love, laughter, and lots of good food.

Amy, TJ, and the grand kids came down to visit, arriving on Friday afternoon and leaving around midday on Monday.

Getting to spend that much time with the whole family was a rare treat. Between TJ’s deployment and the family’s year-round busy schedule, I can’t remember the last time we saw them all together for an extended period. This was actually TJ’s first visit to our VA home. And we’ve been here for eight months! We were really glad he finally got to come down for a visit.

TJ, Amy, Joey, Brianna, and Gaige

We had dinner at home on Friday and the adults had a chance to just visit while the kids entertained themselves with Lego’s (pricelessly pronounced as “Yegos” by Joey) and movies.

Saturday started off early with a trip to the little farmer’s market here in town.

Jam Sampling

That was followed by a trip to the caboose. Joey loves visiting the caboose, which sits on an old railroad siding near the Warrenton Branch Greenway, a railroad bed turned walking/biking path that’s only a couple of blocks from our house.

Joey, Brianna, and Gaige

The caboose is a popular photo spot. As is the nearby shanty, where I’ve taken pictures of Amy and the kids on a couple of different occasions.

Family Portrait #2

I couldn’t decide which shot I liked better (first one in the post or the one immediately above), so I decided to use both. Aren’t they a cute little family?

While we were out, Hubby got the grill set up to cook a big chunk of pork (8-lb Boston butt), which we were to have for a dinner of pulled pork. He’d made a couple of different sauces a day or two earlier, a NC-style sauce (thin, vinegary, and spicy) and a mustard-based sauce. The NC-style sauce was TJ, Brianna, and Gaige’s favorite. Amy liked them all. Hubby and I still prefer our Salt Lick Original Recipe BBQ Sauce (a story in itself).

While the meat slowly cooked/smoked, the adults relaxed and visited and the kids found various ways to keep themselves busy.

Gaige and Brianna in the hammock.

They were starting to get bored. Amy and TJ were going to take them to the playground, but it was sweltering hot, so I suggested we just set the kids loose in the driveway with the hose to cool off.

Water play.
Lunch break.

I didn’t capture nearly as many water pics as I’d hoped because either their backs were to me. Or the older kids saw me and got those cheesy expressions. Plus I didn’t want to risk venturing out there with my camera. An almost-five-year-old with a wide open hose is a scary thing.

That and I think the heat made me a bit lazy. I hate to sweat.

Here are a few of the not-so-great shots.

Outtake #1 (pouting kid)
Outtake #2 (slurping the runoff)
Outtake #3 (cheesy pretend-I-don't-see-camera smile)
Outtake #4 (let's look as bored as we possibly can)


After lunch, it was nap/chill time.

Nap time for Mommy.
Chill time for Daddy.

The downtime for everyone (I spent an hour inside soaking up the A/C!) was short-lived. Then it was back outside.

Joey fighting the sprinkler.

Joey is a funny little thing. He’s quite animated and kept everyone laughing with his antics.

That’s one of my favorite shots. Definitely one to show him when he’s all grown up!

I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture of the finished pork roast, which was a lip-smackin’, finger-lickin’ masterpiece. I guess it was because once it was done, we all switched to get-the-food-on-the-table gear. We’d been smelling that sucker cook all day long!

Saturday evening brought more relaxation. And then on Sunday, we all went to visit Luray Caverns, which is just about an hour west of here in Luray, Virginia.

Hubby gets the credit for thinking of that one.

Brianna, Joey, and Gaige at Luray Caverns

It was horribly busy (an hour in line just to get into the cave), but we made it work.

Pop, Joey, Gaige, and Brianna

Which is good, because the kids had a good time. And it was really cool, temperature-wise, inside of the cave.

Brianna, Gaige, Joey, and TJ
Walking through the cave.
Hamming it up for the camera.
Walking through the cave.
Interesting rock formations.

After about a one-plus hour, 1.5-mile shuffle (it was too crowded to call it a walk) through the cave with Joey maintaining a constant discussion about bats (where they live, where they lay eggs, how they drink, where they sleep, etc.), we ate a picnic lunch on the cavern grounds and then headed home.

TJ and Amy took us out to dinner that evening. They said since they were treating, I had to pick the place. I chose Rancho El Paso, figuring a tasty Mexican meal accompanied by a very large, very strong Sangrita Margarita would be a great way to cap off the day.

It was. But the rest of the evening was sort of a blur.

Joey finally got his turn in the hammock.
Loudest, most-animated application of insect spray ever.

We all sat outside for a while, then Amy and I took the girls for their evening stroll around town.

I really was there!

I always look like a giant next to Amy, who is all cute and petite. But since this is one of the few pictures with me in it, I decided to post it anyway. As the family photographer, I don’t get in many pictures (fine by me!) unless I remember to ask someone to take a picture of me.

While we were out walking, TJ got the kids showered and ready for bed. They all watched a movie while the adults stayed outside, visiting some more.

We got LOTS of visiting time in, which we really enjoyed.

Monday was fun, too. But I’ll have to save that for another post.

All in all, it was a lovely weekend. Hubby and I are truly blessed to have this crew in our lives.

ToadMama in Manhattan

Until this past weekend, not counting the couple of times I drove through, I’d never visited New York City. Either had Amy. Since Shannon will be moving to the West Coast very soon, we all agreed that a girls’ weekend would be a fabulous idea. So off to Manhattan we went.

I shot over 400 pictures. I’ll share a few here.

Flatiron Building

This very cool building was only a few blocks from the loft apartment we rented in Chelsea.

Got a Big Head?

It wasn’t far at all from the park with the giant head. Which I only posted here because I had to tell you what I heard some kid say… “Mom! Mom! I think I might know where the rest of the body is!” (I did not stick around to hear his answer.)

Delicate Mix of Old and New

One of the things I found most intriguing is how very old, historic buildings (usually short) are sandwiched in among the newer, sleeker, and much larger high-rises. I’m pretty sure that old building in the center of the frame is the New York Public Library.

St. Patrick's Cathedral

This is a great example of old sandwiched in with new. The Cathedral of St. Patrickis the largest Gothic cathedral in the US. The spires rise 330 feet from the street. But, because the city has grown around it, it looks quite small. I love stained glass, so if you’d like to see the many shots I captured inside St. Pat’s, be sure to look at one of the slide shows.

Tall Building

We saw lots and lots of tall buildings. This one was at Rockefeller Center. I should probably know the name of it, but I don’t.

Times Square by Day

We visited Times Square midday because that’s close to where we met Ralph and Robin for lunch. Shannon insisted we return at night when it was all lit up. I like colorful spectacles, so that sounded like a plan to me.

Animated M&Ms

For some reason, I really liked the giant, animated M&Ms in Times Square.

Grand Central Station


Inside St. Patrick's Cathedral


Flags and Buildings


City Street


The Most Colorful Family Ever

This family just made me smile. The Mom’s crazy-colorful boots caught my eye first. Then the husband’s sweater. The daughter in all the lime green added another dimension. And then came the son (running toward us in the middle of the frame). Not even the Dad’s backpack is a solid color. How cool is that?

This Shot Just Screams "New York"


Shannon and Amy


The Dog Was Benched





Lower Manhattan Bank



Street Performers




If you’d like to see the rest, you can watch this LONG slideshow (with music). Or you can visit my Flickr site and watch the slideshow quietly and at your own pace.  🙂

Warning… I like urban images shot at odd angles.

Let me know what you think. Some of the pictures might seem a bit odd, but they reflect how I see the world. No wonder they’re odd, right?

On This Day

Thirty years ago today, something amazing happened. Thirty years ago today, our youngest daughter, Amy, was born.

I wasn’t present to witness the event myself, but that’s okay. Because I am here now.

A Serious Occasion

Amy is a smart, beautiful, funny, unique, complex, loving individual. If you’d asked me 15 years ago where Amy would be on her 30th birthday or what she would doing, I would never have guessed she’d be waking her three children and getting them ready for school. I wouldn’t have imagined her married to TJ, who is still deployed. I wouldn’t have believed she’d be a college graduate, well on her way to a Master’s degree.

Not that I didn’t think she’d be capable of all that, but because 15 was a difficult time for Amy. And that made it a difficult time for all of us. But we all persevered. And we’re all so much better for it. It makes looking back on all of the happy times even more special somehow. It also gives us some pretty good stories to look back on and laugh about. Stories that maybe we’ll even share with Amy’s kids one day. Selectively, of course.

She still smiles like that 30 years later!

Anyway… back to Amy’s birthday.

Hubby and I were talking about it the other day. He said, “I can’t believe Amy will be in her thirties.”

“She’s not ‘in her thirties’,’ I immediately corrected him. “She’s 30.”

“Did she tell you to say that?” he laughed.

“No. But I know Amy. She’s 30.”

We both laughed at that one because we both knew I was right.

Amy at age 7.

Amy has always had a very definite, and sometimes unique, way of seeing things. One of her favorite sayings, when corrected, used to be, “Well, in Amy’s world, it is that way.”

I could give you some examples, but I don’t want to pick on the girl. It is her birthday after all.

Amy's engagement picture.

It’s been fun seeing Amy grow into the beautiful young woman that she’s become.

I don’t know if there’s ever been a more-dedicated wife and mother.

Amy with her family, late-December 2010.

Hubby and I are both very proud of Amy and everything she’s been able to accomplish. Even if I wasn’t there at the very beginning, she’s still my daughter. But you know what is sometimes better?

Amy and Me in April 2010

She’s also my friend.

Happy Birthday, Amy!

Dad and I both love you very much. May you have many, many, many more happy years to follow.

Wanna know what else has happened on March 1 throughout the years? Follow this BBC link.

You Capture – Holiday Favorites

Those of you who saw my post the other day know that my currently deployed son-in-law is home for a brief visit.

What I did not explain is the fact that their three kids were at another grandparents’ house for a few days so they could have a little bit of adult time. They knew, once the kids saw their father, there’d be no such thing as adult time. They’ll be on him like glue. Not just any glue either. Super Glue.

I’m proud to say that my obsession with photographing or otherwise recording special family moments has completely rubbed off on Amy. It was her idea for me to accompany her to the airport so I could get pictures of the reunion. And we were both thinking about possible video opportunities. The only problem was that the kids weren’t staying at our house.

No problem. At a little after 6:00 AM, she called us (under normal circumstances, that would be a no-no) to say she was bringing her husband to our house. She dropped him off here then went and picked up the kids and brought them here, too. At Hubby’s insistence, I was positioned behind TJ with the video camera. Shannon was on the sofa with the still camera. It was Hubby’s job to answer the door and corral the kids in the foyer so they could remove their coats before coming all of the way into the house.

It worked like a charm.

Oh wait. I forgot to tell you to grab a tissue, didn’t I? Sorry!

The video is awesome, yes. But this next picture is most definitely my holiday favorite this year. Can you see the glow of happiness on each and every one of their faces?

The Happy Family

I told Amy I thought this just might be her new favorite picture. I wonder if I was right?

As an aside… this is the sort of thing these soldiers of ours and their families, both here and abroad, have to sacrifice every day. So the next time you see a soldier, be sure to say thanks. Okay?

To see what everyone else is calling their holiday favorites, be sure to visit the You Capture page on Beth’s blog.

Guess Who’s Back!?!

I had to play photographer today. I’m much better at pictures of inanimate objects. Or at least of things that aren’t running around and/or bouncing up and down. That was not the case today.

Remember that absentee son-in-law I mentioned?

He’s back.

Can they look any more excited?

It’s only a brief visit, then away he’ll go again. But at least he’s here now.

I think they were both a teeny bit irritated that I made them stop at a very specific spot on the way to the car.

But I bet I’ll be forgiven now that they’ve seen the result. 🙂

Mothers do know best sometimes.

To see all the pics, you’ll have to visit my Flickr page.

What I Didn’t Do

Wow, did the last two days ever FLY!

We had Christmas Eve dinner at our house because Amy and her kids couldn’t be here on Christmas Day. Eric’s girlfriend, Kelsey, was here, too, which was nice.

Then on Christmas day, Hubby’s Mom and my parents joined Hubby, Shannon, Eric, and me for dinner. Which was also nice.

I took quite a few pics on Christmas Eve. But I didn’t even think about picking my camera up on Christmas day.

Can you believe that?

I can’t. I missed getting a picture of Hubby’s Mom in her pretty Christmas outfit. I didn’t get a picture of my parents either. And I REALLY wanted to have someone take a picture of Hubby and I together in front of our Christmas tree. Really. But I even forgot about that.


It was a lovely day anyway.

At least I have a few shots to share from Christmas Eve.

The calm before the "storm."

All of the gifts were wrapped and placed around the tree.

The "doll' atop our tree.

Last weekend, when Joey was here, he saw the angel that sits atop our tree. He either said our tree was stupid or funny because we had a doll on top of the tree instead of a star. I like our angel okay. But what I really miss is this awful cardboard star that Shannon, Amy, Eric and I made during one of our very first Christmases together. I wish I knew where that thing went.

Ho Ho Ho

I thought for sure someone would comment about the face on this Santa Claus. I’m not sure which of my girlfriends gave this one to me, but I think it was Carol. He’s got a very unique mug, wouldn’t you say?

I took a few pics of the ornaments on our tree.

I love snowmen.

I really like snowmen. And birds. From a decor perspective AND a real-life perspective.

Dark-eyed Junco

My Aunt Kathy gave me this bird ornament several years back. She knows I like birds, but she didn’t know what this particular bird was called (Dark-eyed Junco) or that it is one of my favorite birds. They’re winter birds in this area. They’re pretty social and think nothing of hanging out on our back steps for the dogs to watch and/or salivate over.

All decorated for the holiday.

I also love the way our house looks during the holidays.

Brianna couldn't resist helping Aunt Shannon apply the egg wash to her rolls.

I especially love the house when it’s full of our kids. And our grand kids.

Lego building.

The grand kids always enjoy playing with the gazillion Legos I have here. Some were mine when I was a kid and some were Uncle Eric’s. They asked Uncle Eric to build Legos with them. Shannon and I were busy in the kitchen. I did pop in long enough to get a picture of Eric surrounded by his niece and nephews. What I missed, however, was one of them asking Kelsey (Eric’s girlfriend) if she is their Aunt now. And whether she and Eric would be getting married.

The egg wash helps the rolls to brown AND helps the garnish adhere. In this case, there was poppy seeds, sesame seeds and kosher salt. Shannon makes excellent dinner rolls.

Kids in the kitchen.

It was nice having all the kids together. Left to right are Amy, Eric, Shannon, and Kelsey.

Grand kids opening gifts.

I’ll be kicking myself for a while for not capturing shots of the parents. It really was a lovely Christmas celebration.

Tonight, we’re supposed to be getting together with some of our friends. Unless this “blizzard” actually materializes. We’re only expecting about six inches of snow, but you never know what we’ll actually get.

Rest assured, though, I won’t forget to take pictures of THAT.