BBBC 2016 #4 – Words

I’m going to sound like a snob, I know it.

It’s hard not to with a prompt like this: “Misused and/or mispronounced word or words that make you CRAZY.” (Yes, Rachael, I edited-out my typo.)

I came up with this whole challenge idea AND developed the prompts within a span of a few minutes, i.e., I didn’t give any of it an excessive amount of thought beyond, “This could be fun.”

No one is perfect, right? Everyone makes mistakes.

When it comes to words, however, there’s a HUGE difference between a typo and a blatant and/or repeated misuse of a word or phrase. In my opinion.

These are the worst!


“I’m confused!” he explained. Um, no.


And it makes you sound stupid, regardless.


This one always gets me. So simple, yet challenging to so many.

My next two examples are usually encountered on the job. While I am working, not on every job.

A list of things are criteria. One of those criteria is a criterion.


“They” being an awful lot of people.

I see that last one misused in myriad situations. Professionally, in books, publications, news broadcasts, etc. I fear it may be going the way of criteria, i.e., adopted even though it is wrong. Simply because that’s how most people use the word.

Just because everyone is doing something doesn’t make it right.

I’m looking forward to reading what fellow BBBs shared.

See how other BBBC 2016 participants
interpreted today’s prompt.

How did the other brave, bold bloggers respond and/or interpret this daily challenge? See for yourself!

If there’s no link in the above list, that blogger hadn’t yet posted at the time of my writing. I’ll do an update as soon as I can. You can always use the link to each blogger’s home page in the list provided below.

This Year’s Brave, Bold Bloggers…

Be sure to visit their blogs to see how each interpreted this challenge.