It was obvious we needed to get her to the vet. To make a long story short, she has pancreatitis, a very painful inflammation/infection of the pancreas. I don’t know all the particulars, I just know she was feeling BAD. She wouldn’t even eat the small piece of raw ground beef I offered her before I started cooking dinner.
She’s got lots of meds, and we need to keep her on a bland diet. We also need to keep her water consumption to small amounts at a time until we know she can keep it all down.
I babied the old girl a bit last night. Want to see what recuperation looks like?
As I write this post, she’s giving me the “can I have a piece of your muffin look” that usually annoys me, but today makes me quite happy.
The old girl is on the mend! Woo hoo!
Thanks to all of you who expressed your concern and good wishes. My Meg has become a popular Facebook attraction. 🙂
I need to close now so I can take a piece of my muffin to Meg…