I mean, I’ve been around, just not blogging. Because Hubby and I are in the process of sprucing up our house. We’ve been very successful. So successful, in fact, that it feels like we are living in someone else’s house.
Remember the kitchen remodel project I mentioned a while back?

I never realized just how ugly our kitchen was. I knew it looked dated, I just didn’t know how dated…

We had the cabinets refaced, got new counters, and bought new appliances. The difference is quite dramatic.

Like I said, I never knew just how ugly the old kitchen was.

Isn’t the “new” kitchen awesome?

I love my funky placemats. I don’t know how well they go with the counter, but I like them anyway.
The kitchen upgrade is just the tip of the iceberg. I’m REALLY excited about how our bedroom looks.

I would’ve taken more pictures, but then I realized I did a really CRAPPY job making the bed. So I’ll have to do that some other time. We repainted this room a few years ago. The only updates are the curtains we finally hung and the ART on the wall. I finally printed some of the pics I’ve taken and love the way they look on the wall.
The bed isn’t new. Either are the nightstands. But there is an important fact about them that I need to mention. That fabulous Hubby of mine? He made the bed and nightstands. From scratch. Can you believe it? He’s super-talented (and very modest) when it comes to woodworking. He still needs to make some dressers. Woodworking was his hobby before we decided to build the WV place. That little project consumed pretty much all of his spare time. One day he’ll have a workshop again…
On another note… Shannon left on May 31. She’s now a Californian. Alice left, too.
The house feels quite empty.

I just HAD to post this shot of our foster puppy. I took it a day or so before she left.
I’ll get back to blogging regularly one of these days. I hope you’re all doing well!