I spent most of last week in West Virginia with the dogs while our kitchen cabinets at the MD place were being refaced.
Here are a couple of “before” pictures…

Our kitchen isn’t huge, but there is a lot of cabinet space. Every cabinet and drawer had to be emptied. It took Hubby three hours to get all the cabinets and drawers emptied. Why didn’t I help? Because I was on my way to West Virginia, which also takes three hours.
Anyway… I left the WV place Thursday evening. It was pretty late when I got home (10:30?).
Here’s what the kitchen looks like now. What isn’t shown is the range hood/microwave, which is in there now, and the new range and refrigerator, which should get delivered later this week.

Friday evening, I had to go shop for some cabinet hardware. Saturday I spent running all over creation to three different Lowes stores because of course the hardware I really liked wasn’t in stock at any one store in the quantity I needed. I did finally get enough handles and pulls, but Hubby hasn’t had time to install them yet.
When I wasn’t running around town, I was restocking the kitchen. It took a really long time. I’m still not completely finished.
While I was doing that, Hubby was painting. He’d rented some scaffolding, which is necessary to paint our two-storey family room.
He painted pretty much all day Saturday and most of the day on Sunday. I would’ve helped on Sunday, except something else came up.
There was an emergency transport for one of the Brittany rescue groups I volunteer for. There were four nine-week-old puppies being transported from NC to PA and MD. All four were in one crate. I picked them up in Strasburg, Virginia and drove them up to Hagerstown, Maryland. From there, three went on to PA and one came home with me. 🙂
Yep, I am fostering a puppy. And she’s the cutest little puppy ever. Really, look at this face…

She’s almost 10 weeks old. She’s not house trained. She doesn’t sleep through the night either. In fact, most of the time when you put her in her crate, she screams. Meg, Belle, and K are all less than thrilled to have this pint-sized interloper in the house. I, on the other hand, am quite enjoying little Alice.
Here are a few pics I shot during the transport.

And here are a couple more shots of Alice. She really is a sweet little thing. She’ll only be with us for a few weeks. The rescue waiting list for puppies is long. All four have homes lined up.

I’ve been pretty busy. And with Alice here (I can’t take my eyes off of her for a second), things aren’t going to easier any time soon.
I’ll be sure to share some more puppy pics.
Here’s one more of Alice’s cute bald belly.