My Friend, the Chicken Lady

In 2008, my long-time girlfriend Tracey moved from a small house in Parkville, on the outskirts of Baltimore City in Maryland, to a much larger house on around 11 acres in York County, Pennsylvania. York County is farm country. At least it looks like farm country to me.

Shortly after the move, Tracey became a chicken lady. Today, I was finally able to visit. And, believe it or not, I took some pictures.

Guinea Hens

I’m a city girl for the most part. I know more about wild animals than farm animals. I thought chickens were essentially white or orange/brown and chicken-shaped. Sort of like this.

They’re not.

Guinea Hens Again

They are rather interesting-looking birds.

Bantam Rooster and a Dominiker (or something like that)

These two look more like regular chickens to me. The Dominiker, Jack Sprat (on the right), doesn’t have a full comb yet because he’s not quite a year old.

Daisy Donald Duck

I guess Tracey is technically a poultry lady, because she has ducks, too. This duck was originally named Daisy. Then someone noticed Daisy was a boy. I’m not sure who finally discovered the testicles under all of those feathers.

More Ducks

These other ducks, the brown ones are Waffles, Howard and Mystery Duck (Tracey forgot the other boy’s name).

Ducks Drinking

I am jealous of the ducks. Not of the ducks, of Tracey for getting to own ducks. How cool is that?

Mick Jagger the Cochin Bantam Rooster

Mick Jagger is probably the coolest. He’s got natural mukluks (boots). Tracey says, “His boots were made for walkin’.”

Follow the leader...
Cock a Doodle Do!
Mick Jagger Struttin' His Stuff
One of Three Partridge Rock Hens
This is either Gertie, Wilma or Betty.

Remind me to ask what’s on the menu before accepting any dinner invitations.