Good Eats

Last Sunday, August 23, Hubby planned a ride for us. We’d discussed it briefly the night before, so I knew it would involve a jaunt across the mountains to Luray (pronounced LOO-ray, by the way) for a Hardee’s breakfast. I had no idea where we’d be going after that. But, as many of you know, when you’re on a motorcycle, it’s not usually about the destination, it’s about the ride.

Before we left, he did tell me the route plan included breakfast AND lunch, but that was it. He also mentioned that our route would cover about 200 miles (~322 km), and he may have mentioned it would take about five hours. But I didn’t really care. I was willing to just follow along.

Breakfast to Lunch Rider

Sometimes, it’s good to just follow with no conscious thought required. Of course, there’s always thought required when riding, but there’s a huge difference between thinking about where you’re going/when your next turn is coming up and letting your mind just sorta wander.

Those of you who don’t ride and wonder whether thought’s required to operate the motorcycle, not really. I’ve been riding for quite a few years, which means it’s all become sort of intuitive. Kind of like driving a car with a manual transmission. You just sorta know when to switch gears, which gear is required, what gear you’re in when you’re moving, etc. My eyes are always scanning the road, shoulders, and vehicles up ahead AND checking the mirrors to see what’s to my rear, but that doesn’t require thought either. It’s all rather automatic.

Sometimes, letting your mind wander is good. That day, I was having a very hard time getting into the zone. In fact, what I’d really wanted to do was hole-up in a dark room and just sleep the day away.  The days leading up to Hubby’s Food Ride had been challenging, to say the least. But that’s not me. I know I’m much better off wrenching myself out of the depressive depths — it’s what’s best for me — so I rode along.

On Wednesday, I’d gotten word from Carol, one of my besties since childhood, that her sister had died. Only a year or two shy of her 60th birthday, this sister had struggled with horrible substance abuse issues, compounded by anxiety and depression, for just about all of the 35+ years that I’d known her and her family. I didn’t know the sister well personally, since she was about 10 years older than Carol and I, but I’ve been around her many times over the years and I knew of the havoc and turmoil her family experienced as a result of the sister’s struggle with her many demons.

It’s a tight-knit family, though, and despite the struggles and pain she’d caused, that sister was much loved by Carol, her Mom, her brothers, son, husband, nieces and nephews, friends, extended family, etc. That list goes on and on.  It was heartbreaking, to say the least, seeing the family trying to cope in the wake of the sister’s tragic, accidental death. Friday night, I went to the viewing. The funeral was on Saturday. One day I might write about the complex swirl of emotions tied to those events. But there’s a whole lot that goes with it, well beyond the death of someone I didn’t really know personally, but whose family are all as close to me as my own family. For now, just trust me when I say that mentally, on Sunday, I wasn’t in a very good place.

We were HOURS into the ride before I even took my first picture, a scene which Hubby actually said he’d like to have captured. Imagine that!

Hubby had to see The Dyke Store for himself.

Yep, that’s the place I’d visited the prior weekend. I didn’t mind doing a repeat road so soon, though, since Dyke Road is awesome.

IMG_2948From there, we continued meandering through the lovely Virginia Piedmont. And, much to might delight, we stopped in Culpeper for linner (late lunch-early dinner) at Uncle Elder’s BBQ.

I may have mentioned this place before. I even took all of these other pics months ago, but never got around to sharing them with you.

Uncle Elder’s is a small place. There’s an outdoor seating area, but we’ve always dined indoors. The pulled pork BBQ is quite good, but my favorite menu offering is the fried pickle appetizer.

Fried Pickles!
Fried Pickles!

I know I’ve mentioned that here before. I think Dar was even brave enough to try it for herself. My friend Annelies says Americans will fry anything, and she’s right.

If you like pickles, try them fried. They’re best when the pickles are cut into chips, as opposed to spears, and the pickles have to be the really tart kosher dills.

Inside Uncle Elder's
Inside Uncle Elder’s

Hubby likes them just as much as me, but he’d never say, “OMG, we HAVE to go to Uncle Elder’s for some fried pickles.” He’d be more like, “I’m hungry for BBQ.”

The Sign


The Hours

I keep forgetting to check and see if they serve beer, which wouldn’t matter if traveling to and fro by bike, but I’ve been telling my local friends that we need to go there for dinner.

Sign at The Dyke Store
Sign at The Dyke Store

It turned out to be a decent day. Riding is great therapy. Truly.

These two are good for helping lift spirits, too.

Furry Therapists
Furry Therapists

They don’t look particularly sympathetic, do they? This is their “is it time for our walk” look. But that always makes me smile. I enjoy our walks almost as much as they do.

We went for another ride yesterday, which was awesome, but I’ll save that for another post.

Just Because

I have some pictures that I’ve been wanting to share for a while. I’m better about sharing pics captured with my phone, usually, since they’re easy to upload onto Instagram and/or Facebook. Not as good about getting the images I’ve captured with the camera posted.

So here’s a rather random collection of images I should have posted sooner, but didn’t. Some are goofy, some aren’t.

First is this cool miner dude we spotted on our recent visit to Shenandoah Caverns.

Shenandoah Caverns' Miner
Shenandoah Caverns’ Miner

Shenandoah Caverns has lots of fun stuff to see. In my opinion. You might agree if you appreciate kitschy stuff as much as me.

Helpful Elf
Helpful Pixie, Elf, or Gnome? I have no clue.

I’m not always on the lookout for weird stuff, believe it or not, it just catches my eye.

New-ish BBQ joint near Sperryville.

I was all excited about seeing this kitschy-ish BBQ place. Then I learned it’s a chain. A small chain, but a chain nonetheless. That sort of diminishes the fun for me. It’s no longer a spontaneous “Hey, let’s park the General Lee” kind of thing, but a “we gotta find another General Lee for the Sperryville location.”

Maybe it’s just me, but standalone or at least unique, Mom and Pop-type businesses with kitschy decor are just cooler. More creative somehow.

Evening Sky Over Old Town Warrenton (OTW)

I always have my phone along while walking the dogs, you know, just in case I have a heart attack or something, and can’t help snapping pictures when a scene catches my eye, or I see a specific thing that makes me smile.

Old Town Warrenton

And here’s me having a bit of fun with my Love.

Galax, VA LOVEwork (it’s pronounced like GAY lax)

I really like this next shot, which I captured during an afternoon walk with the girls. On a whim, I used the front-facing camera on my phone and held it upside-down below the flowers to get the sky in the background.

Reach for the Sky!

There’s just something fun about M&Ms…

She’s Got Your Back

Speaking of having your back, here’s something you don’t see every day…

Carol, Tracey, and Me
Carol, Tracey, and Me

Look at us all purtied-up.

Tracey’s youngest got married on August 1. Since none of us like getting all fancy, we HAD to have a picture taken.

And since you usually see Hubby and me looking sorta rough like this…

Me and Hubby
Me and Hubby

…I couldn’t resist sharing what I think is a super-cute pic.

Hubby and Me

There you have it.

Perhaps the next post will be more interesting for you. 🙂


I Have the COOLEST Friends

Wow, I just HAD to share this video done by my friend, Darlene Duncan, aka Princess Scooterpie. She’s a motorcycle Mama from Victoria, BC, Canada.

It’s a great little piece about women who ride.

Not only is she in the video, she does the voiceover, too. She’s also a motorcycle safety instructor. How cool is that?

Great job, Dar and team!

Here’s a link to Dar’s post about the shoot.

The 2015 Spring-time Girlfriend Getaway

My annual girlfriend getaway was a success. But it went by way too fast, as usual. And Tracey could only stay through Friday afternoon. Carol and I missed having Tracey with us, but we made the best of it.

L-R, Tracey, Carol, and Me

On Thursday, we did a little shopping, and eating. But mostly, we just enjoyed each other’s company. We don’t get together nearly as often as we’d like to.

Selfie with the mascot at Katie’s Kitchen

We had dinner at Katie’s Kitchen, near Strasburg. They have the BEST fried green beans. Nothing like a healthy dose of veggies for an appetizer.

Lancaster, Pennsylvania is a unique place.

Friday took us to The Green Dragon. It’s billed as a farmers’ market and auction, but it’s more than that. There’s meat and produce, of course, but there’s also a slew of other stuff for sale. Anything and everything, really. Baked goods, nuts, candy, home decor of all varieties (and decades), hardware, live plants, produce, pet supplies, clothing, flags, rugs, furniture. You name it, you can find it at The Green Dragon. For better or worse.


Unfortunately, it was PACKED with people. We usually go around late-February/early-March. Apparently, the colder temps keep folks away. The warmer temps bring them out in droves.

Whoopie Pies

But we made do, elbowing our way through to our favorite baker of Whoopie Pies. They have a new, radical sign-maker, who decided to change the spelling of one of our favorite treats. It’s supposed to be WHOOPIE. Really.

And we got our favorite lunch treat, too.

We love pretzel dogs.

A visit to The Green Dragon wouldn’t be complete without a pretzel dog. Or two.

Pretzel Dog

The pretzel dogs were absolutely delicious. And look what I had for dessert…

Peanut Butter Cookie Whoopie Pie

I saw an important instructional sign, too.


Tracey left us at The Green Dragon. She had to go to a dinner party/wedding cake sampler affair. Carol and I continued on to some of our other favorite little shops.

But first, Carol needed to run into Wal-Mart. I waited in the car, capturing this shot of the Wal-Mart parking lot.

Buggy Parking at Wal-Mart

Next up was Carson’s in the Cornfields, a truly unique spot that sells antiques, architectural salvage, re-purposed items, painted furniture, cabinet hardware, outdoor accessories, and other stuff. It’s one of my favorite shops.


Saturday, I went shopping for clothes — ugh! — while Carol visited with her niece and great-nieces for a bit. Then we shopped some more.

Almost Paradise Outdoor Shop

Throughout the course of the four-day shopping extravaganza, I was constantly amazed at the variety of, um, stuff, being sold. I’ll save that for another post, though.

Almost Paradise is always entertaining, with their yard full of concrete and resin statuary.

Mary on the Half Shell!


How can you not smile at that?

And Carol finally found the perfect dog.

"Hi, puppy!"
“Hi, puppy!”

The adoption fee was a bit steep, so the doggie didn’t come home with us.

I was so tickled to see a group of Virginia gentlemen seated around a picnic table that I just HAD to join them for a spell.

The Virginians
The Virginians

It’s a fun place, if you like kitschy stuff as much as I do.

Cutest Little Over-priced Piggy

And look what we saw on our way back to the motel. It was parked outside a country store.

Pony and Cart

Perhaps a horse and buggy was out of this person’s financial reach?

Lancaster is a picturesque place.

Although temperatures were a bit on the cool side, the weather was generally pretty nice. It’s such a picturesque place, really, when you are away from the mega shopping outlets and such.

But the shopping places are fun. And look what I found…

New yard art!

Yes, I brought him home.

I’ll share some of the more unique stuff I saw in my next post.

It’s That Time

Time for my long over-due, annual girlfriend getaway!

L-R, Me, Carol, and Tracey
L-R, Me, Carol, and Tracey

We missed this trip in 2014 for various reasons that are no longer important (or remembered!). These pics are all from 2013.

Me and Tracey (aka Granny Trace)
Me and Tracey (aka Granny Trace)

And we’re a bit later than usual.

Among the Amish
Among the Amish

But the time has finally come. And I’m very happy.

Now, just one more day of work to plow through…

I leave tomorrow. There’s lots of food, fun, silliness, and good, old-fashioned, good times with my pals ahead.

Look out Lancaster, here we come.

Oh, That Voice

Y’all know I have this sorta crazy — in a good way — moto-blogging friend named Fuzzy, right? Fuzzy’s real name is Rachael. She’s really very sweet, and cute, and charming. And she has a quirky sense of humor that I love.

She had this idea that it would be fun to hear what other moto-bloggers sound like. Since not many of us have actually met in person.

I usually like Fuzzy’s ideas, ’cause we’re kindred spirits in many ways. And this one sounded kind of fun, too. The “kind of” part being me getting to see and hear other moto bloggers.

Lynne at did it. And she did it well.

Fuzzy did it, too, with her usual creative panache.

I didn’t want to be a spoilsport, so I figured I’d do it. Even though I’m extremely uncomfortable in front of a camera lens.

I shot it sort of ad hoc, as I was waiting for some soup to finish cooking last night. I hate the way I look in the video. Truly. I almost decided to ditch it, put on some decent clothes, maybe a bit of makeup, and try to do a better job with my too-long hair.

But then I figured that would be silly. One, because I don’t usually wear make-up. Two, because I always wear comfy clothes, and I like my Alaska sweatshirt. Three, I’m not one to put on airs.

Most important, y’all might not recognize me if I didn’t look like my old self.

So, here it is. No snazzy soundtrack or fancy edits. Except where I had to splice two videos together because I accidentally shut off the camera while filming.

ToadMama’s Voice

I hope you all enjoy this video. I certainly don’t.