Of all the blogs I looked at, I only decided one was good enough to bookmark. Julie’s Journal is the blog I chose. What grabbed me hardest was the subtitle, which is…
“Good girls have diaries…Bad girls have blogs.”
Not because I am bad, or even aspire to be bad. But because I want to have fun as I make my way through this life of mine. I think Julie and I might be kindred spirits. I’ll have to visit again, at least a few times, before deciding for sure.
But how can I not like someone who likes using ellipses (…) like I do, uses them incorrectly…like I do, and doesn’t seem to care. She likes Papi, the chihuahua, too. And posts funny pictures of her kids (this one is back-to-school day), even though they are way beyond the cute, cuddly, baby/toddler stage.
She doesn’t mind exploiting her kids either.
She’s real. Or seems to be. I’ll have to visit again to be sure. So far, though, I like what I have seen.
But that’s only one new blog. I need more. Help me out, here.
Is there a good blog you can recommend that will help eat away at what little free time I have? You know, the time I regularly squander doing stupid stuff like searching for new blogs and playing Scrabble instead of doing useful stuff like working (who wants to do that at 6:00 AM anyway?) or writing the next great American novel. Cool Web sites are good, too.
C’mon. Help me out here.