It involved a hairy cow.
A stupid sign.
Some crazy teeth… (I couldn’t help but think of Whoopie Goldberg in that scene from the Color Purple movie when Miss Celie smiled for the first time and her teeth filled the entire screen.)
Seemingly endless repetition of the phrase, “Winner, winner, chicken dinner.”
Oh, and a really pushy jackass.
Give up?
Amy and the boys came for a visit!
Brianna and TJ had to stay home in Maryland because Brianna was supposed to have a soccer tournament. It got canceled, which really stinks. It would have been nice to have all of them down for a visit.
Though, to be honest, Brianna probably would have been bored at Pumpkinville. That is where Amy and I took the boys on Saturday. We’d actually planned it pretty far in advance.
Pumpkinville is the annual Fall festival at the Leesburg Animal Park in nearby Loudon County. It was sort of lame, but the boys had fun.
And they had a really cool petting zoo, which I loved.
It was a nice visit. On Sunday, we walked down to the Warrenton Branch Greenway, which is about two blocks from our house, to take some pictures.
More on that adventure later.
I took lots of pictures. Some good, and some not so good.
We’ll save the outtakes for another post, okay?
I can’t help but think of Johnny Cash when I look at that last shot.
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the tie that binds
Because you’re mine, I walk the line
Here’s the best shot of the weekend. It didn’t come easy. Or cheap!
More shots from their visit to come in my next post.
I hope your weekend was equally as much fun!