Just Another Day

Happy Valentine’s Day. I’m only saying that ’cause I feel like I should. I mean, it is Valentine’s Day.

It’s not that I’m anti-love or anything. And I am certainly not anti-chocolate (you can give me chocolate on any day, for any reason, and I’ll be happy). Hubby and I just don’t celebrate this particular holiday. I’m not sure why. Shannon pretty much thinks it’s a stupid holiday, perpetuated by greeting card companies, florists, and jewelry manufacturers. I don’t completely agree. I don’t completely disagree with Shannon either.

I’ve always said I think it’s silly to spend a fortune on flowers on Valentine’s Day. But I wouldn’t say no to some good chocolate. I’m definitely not one who would want flowers or a fancy (expensive!) diamond necklace. I’d be perfectly okay with a nice high-visibility motorcycle jacket though. (That’s a useful gift.) And some chocolate. Notice I didn’t say “or” some chocolate?

Maybe it’s that getting gifts on Valentine’s Day is just too predictable for me. I don’t know. I could debate this with myself for hours. So I’ll just change the subject. ‘kay?

We did not go to West Virginia this weekend. Gaige, our oldest grandson, had a wrestling tournament on Sunday. They can sometimes last all day. Or at least a big part of the day. They start really early, too. Amy didn’t want to make Joey sit through yet another hours-long wrestling match, so she asked us to keep Joey for the weekend. We’re anxious to get the WV kitchen finished, but we couldn’t say no. Especially since the kids are all so busy. We don’t get to see much of them.

Did I mention that the weather finally got warm? Or remind you that we have two brand-new bikes in our garage saying “ride me”?

Things got pretty quiet in the house at one point on Saturday. I heard some strange noises coming from the garage. When I went to investigate, this is what I saw…

Pop and Joey, pretending to ride.

Joey was all about Pop this weekend.

We could have gone for a ride at naptime, but it was only in the low 40s. Hubby opted to take a nap, too. I opted for a ride. I needed to run to the grocery store anyway. It was a little chilly, but not unbearable. Those heated grips make a huge difference. When my hands get cold during rides, they tend to cramp. Hand cramps are never good on a motorcycle.

I only did about 30 miles.  You have to ride pretty carefully when riding on new tires. Cold tires aren’t good either. And there were quite a few places where snow melt was running across the road.

Sunday temps were in the 50s at naptime. Wanna guess what we both did?

Ready to ride.

We were only gone for about an hour and a half. It was awesome. It was pretty cloudy so it felt sort of chilly. But it was still great. I really like my new bike. It is so different than the big, fat cruiser. It’s so much lighter, more nimble, and easy to maneuver. I’ll be really glad when the break-in period is over, the tires are broken in, and the roads are clean and dry.

Off we went!

Shannon was kind enough to take these pictures for us. And stick around to keep an eye on Joey while we were away. He actually slept for a couple of hours. I’d already consumed two nice, warming, Baileys and coffee drinks by the time he woke up.

Now those really hit the spot! 🙂

Vroom, vroom!

All in all it was a pretty good weekend.