Trick or Treat

Last night, Hubby and I made the trek north to hang out with Amy and kids while they did the trick or treat thing.

We can never seem to time our arrivals properly. Amy doesn’t live too far away, but to get there, we need to drive through the Harbor Tunnel and up I-95 during rush hour. The drive that should take 35-40 minutes, took us about an hour and 10 minutes. Because of traffic.

So, while we’d really, really hoped to get there in time to help get the kids suited up and get some decent photos in the daylight before they were exhausted, we didn’t make it.

That’s why they look a bit disheveled in the picture below.

But we still got to help out while they trick or treated. We actually went to Amy’s church where they had a huge outdoor “trick or trunk” party for the kids. People came, decorated their cars, and kids walked around the parking lot to get candy.

Amy’s church is HUGE. There were tons of people. I was amazed at how into it the people with the cars were. Cars were really decorated, people were dressed up and role-playing. It was cool. Some woman even brought her goats for the farm scene she had going.

She had baby goats with her that were really cute. This little one was smaller than my smallest cat.

We didn’t stay at the church long. Amy, who inherited her father’s “love” of large, noisy, chaotic masses of people, was getting a bit claustrophobic. So we headed back to her neighborhood for some good, old-fashioned, door-to-door trick or treating.

Even little Joey (a dinosaur), who is just under sixteen months old, was getting into it.

Hubby carried Joey from house to house, then handed him off to Amy to take him to the door.

You wouldn’t think a kid that small would trick or treat. But he’s got terrific older siblings as role models.

Speaking of older siblings, here are Brianna and Gaige back at the house, waiting for Amy to finish inspecting their goodies.

Joey, meanwhile, was helping with the inspection…

…and loving every minute of it.

I hope you had a fun night, too!

Oh yeah, if you’d like to see the rest of the pictures, you have to go to my Picasa album.