Better Late Than…

I’ll be honest. One of my favorite sayings is, “better late than pregnant.” But since I just found out that one of my blogging buddies in Thailand — Jade at Tasting Grace — is pregnant, and I am SUPER excited for her and her cute hubby, I just couldn’t bring myself to use that as a title for this post. She and her cute little husband are going to be the best parents.

As I was looking through pics last night, I realized just how bad I have been about posting here lately. I mean, some of these pics are from February. And we’re already very close to mid-March.

For my heart-loving pal.
For my heart-loving pal.

But I still thought they were worth sharing.

Another Valentine's Day display.
Another Valentine’s Day display.

I absolutely LOVE looking at the various store windows on Old Town Warrenton’s Main Street.

My buddy Janet at The Empty Nest has the most-beautiful Spring window.

The Empty Nest in Old Town Warrenton

I didn’t take that picture, but didn’t think she’d mind me sharing it with you.

Speaking of The Empty Nest, this is one of the adorable little items offered for sale there.

Why, yes, you ARE a Spring chicken!
Why, yes, you ARE a Spring chicken!

I just love that store.

This sign was in the window at Shelf Life, another gem on Main Street.

Shelf Life Home Furnishings
Shelf Life Home Furnishings

A simple message that everyone should subscribe to.

You all know how much I love this store, right?

Great Harvest Bread
Great Harvest Bread

Oh, and here are a couple of cool house and porch captures.

My favorite house on North 6th Street.
My favorite house on North 6th Street.

I really love blue houses. And I am such a sucker for red.


A blue house with TWO red doors. How can I not love that?

Funny story… while out shooting snow pics on Wednesday morning, I met a guy named Carlos (I think that was his name, anyway) who said he lived at 25 N. 6th. I didn’t realize that was this blue house. Otherwise I would have told him just how much I love his charming abode. His name might have been Ron. Or Bob. I’m awful with names.

Here’s another N. 6th Street neighbor’s place.

White House
White House

Is this the cutest porch or what?

Great porch!
Great porch!

And this image was captured at The Berkley Gallery.

When Frogs Fly
When Frogs Fly

Even buildings is slight disrepair hold some charm. The lines of this place always capture my eye.


Great lines.
Great lines.

Speaking of lines… I really like this last shot, too.



Next, I’ll have to share some of the great captures from my girlfriend getaway.

I really am trying hard to get caught up. On posting AND reading.

To all my blogging buddies who are probably feeling a bit abandoned, I have NOT forgotten you.