On Being a Book Whore

I read an interesting blog post today that was actually written by a blogger I discovered by accident and so far have enjoyed immensely.

First, the blogger I discovered by accident is Jenners, a Jersey girl (as in from the state of New Jersey) who describes herself as “mom extraordinaire and negligent housekeeper.”

Hey, wait a minute. I heard that “oh not ANOTHER mommy blogger” groan. Don’t be groanin’ just yet. From what I’ve seen so far, Jenners’ personal blog is more than just a mommy blog (look how cute my kids are and what a wonderful mother I am). It’s really quite funny. And she’s even got a husband who does entire, lengthy posts at times, too.

So, if you enjoy reading entertaining blogs, you should check out Life With a Little One and More when you’ve got a few minutes.

And if you enjoy reading books, you should definitely look into Jenners’ other blog, Find Your Next Book Here. Today’s post is awesome. It explains what it means to be a book whore. I know a few of them. In fact, I may be one myself. I’m not a hardcore book whore like she is, though. Although the few reviews I have read of hers just might push me over the edge.

How does one discover a blogger by accident? Easy. I visited Monstergirlee’s blog (she’s one of my followers who said she missed me AND is glad I am back) and while I was reading comments on her You Capture – Summer (the Long Load shot is my favorite) post, I noticed Jenners’ comment. Her little photo intrigued me more than her actual comment, so I decided to be nosy and see who she was.

And voila, I discovered another blogger to follow.

I can hear Hubby groaning now… ANOTHER way for her (meaning me) to waste time…

Living in the Blogosphere does tend to require some time commitment, but that’s okay. I think it’s totally worth it.