When lunchtime rolled around, I decided I should go for a stroll to take advantage of the unseasonably warm weather. So, camera in hand, that’s exactly what I did.
I was thinking I’d take pictures of the many very pretty store windows in town. The windows that charm my big socks off as I stroll through town with the dogs every evening.
I wanted to share the very pretty merchandise displays with y’all.
I sort of did that. But then I got so caught up in the cool reflections captured in the windows that the merchandise displays don’t really stand out. So I’ll have to take another stroll one day.
For now, though, I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the images I captured.
I have to stop here to say that the storefront window of this florist enchants me year-round. They do such a great job with their displays. I actually went inside, too, which is where I captured the next few shots.
Note to Hubby… if you are reading this. I would LOVE to have that lamp. Really. They have two, but I only “need one.” 🙂
Of all the images I captured yesterday, I thing this one of the window at The Empty Nest would make the best Christmas card.
There was a van parked in front of Kelly Ann’s, which limited my angle severely. But I love the cute simplicity of the display.
One of these days I’ll get up enough nerve to go into that store for a much-needed fashion intervention.
Yes, that store is a repeat, but I just love the way the church and water tower are so clearly reflected. You can still see the display a bit, too.
That last shot isn’t a store. It’s “just” a house at the corner of S. Sixth and Main Street. I was very touched to see it decorated for Christmas again this year. Especially since the owner, Bob Rice, passed away a couple of months ago.
Did you enjoy your walk through town with me?
I really will try to capture the store windows another day. They’re awesome.