Happy New Year

… to all of my faithful, but very quiet, followers. I wish you all a healthy and happy 2013.

Here at the ToadMama Abode, we rang in the New Year quietly. I went to an auction of antiques and stuff at the local auction house. I’ll show you what I bought once I get all of my treasures home. The auction started around 6:00. There was free food — good food — and drinks for all.

I actually got home around 8:00 or so, took the dogs for their stroll through town, and then spent the rest of the evening watching the final season of The Wire with Hubby.

I didn’t even realize midnight had hit until Amy, our youngest daughter, called.

I guess that’s what getting old does to you. Not that I am complaining. Hangovers suck. So I am quite happy to be clear-headed this morning!

I do have some stuff to get done today, so I’d better get to it.

Thanks for giving me an audience.

Happy New Year!