It seemed like he was gone for a really long time. Unfortunately, between the extra-busy load at work and a rather long to-do list of chores, I didn’t have much time to kick back, relax, and enjoy the single life. Not that I would prefer being alone all of the time, but brief intervals of being able to do what I want to do, or not do, according to my own schedule and/or preferences does have its perks.
Anyhoo… I was a happy girl when Mike pulled into the garage on Sunday.
In all, he rode 10,116 miles (16,280 km) in 14 days. He was gone for 17 days, but spent a day in San Diego with Shannon (our eldest) and her boyfriend, Chris. Then, after making his way north to Washington, he spent a couple of days with Amy (middle kid), her husband, TJ, and the grand kids. (Riding to Spain to visit Eric (our youngest) and his wife, Kelsey, is not an option.)
He didn’t take nearly as many pics as I would have. But he did capture some especially for me.
Look closely and you’ll see his motorcycle in front of that sign.
Then, a couple days later, he shared this pic of him with the Babe he found in Rumford, Maine.
Ok, it was some other guy’s Babe.
Those selfies made my day, of course.
He and I stayed in touch via text messages and phone calls, and we entertained each other with random pics during his trip. Like the next one.
He could’ve just said, “It’s raining. Again.” But pics are more fun.
It pretty much rained on him, more on than off, from around Wallace, Idaho (near the Montana border) to Madawaska, Maine. It was cold, too. He wasn’t a happy traveler. But he persevered. He didn’t really have a choice, though, did he?
At least it wasn’t like the torrential rain he drove through in East Texas. Or the tornado-spawning thunderstorm he sat out in the wee morning hours on May 25 in Del Rio, Texas.
He knew, but didn’t tell me at the time, that that tornado hit about six miles (9.65 km) from his hotel.
That fog was courtesy of Lake Superior. He says it looked much thicker in person.
He did come home with a pretty interesting tan.
And here he is with me, shortly after his arrival back at the Virginia homestead.
Now we can get back to relative normalcy.
I wonder what’ll be next?
If you enjoyed following along and wondered how the tracking was accomplished, here’s the scoop.
He used the SWConnect for iOS phone app and the SpotWalla personal location manager. You can learn more on the SpotWalla site.
I think I’ll try it out on my next adventure. 🙂