This ride, known to motorcyclists as the USA Four Corners Tour, is sanctioned by the Southern California Motorcycling Association. As their Web site says…
The rules are simple. You have 21 days (or less) to ride your motorcycle (or trike) to these Four Corner cities of the United States; San Ysidro, CA; Blaine, WA; Madawaska, ME; and Key West, FL using any route and sequence you desire. You do not have to return to the first corner to finish the event. The ride is approximately 7000 miles (depending on your route), not including your travel to the first corner and your ride home from your final corner.
If all goes as planned, between now and June 6 — 17 days — he’ll cover roughly 10,000 miles (16,093 km) as he loops around the US.
Quite an adventure, eh?
He’s very excited. And I’m very happy for him. He’s literally been talking about this since 2000 when we bought our first bikes.

He’s done long, solo rides before, but this is the longest. This is the reason he traded in the zippy “little” BMW F650GS for that big-ass “battleship,” as Yves called it, of a bike.
Yes, I’ll miss him. Yes, I’ll worry. But I’ve never been one to let “what if” stand in the way of achieving a dream, big or small.
If you’d like to follow along or periodically check his progress, CLICK HERE. That link will take you to his Spotwalla tracker map. A map that’ll get a lot of views by me for sure!
Yes, I’ve already checked his progress about 10 times in the last hour.
I’m sure some of you are wondering why I’m not tagging along. It’s simple, really. Covering long distances over a set, condensed period of time just doesn’t appeal to me. I like to take my time on trips, traveling at my own pace, seeing what I want to see, when I want to see it.
Long distance riders are a rare breed. Hubby is one of them. When he brought up the idea of his doing the ride this year, I said, without hesitation, “Go for it.”
Life is too short and too fleeting NOT to do something you really, REALLY want to do when the opportunity presents itself.
So, I’ll be living the life of a bachelorette for a couple of weeks. While that handsome Hubby of mine clocks some serious miles. He’ll be stopping for a brief visit with Shannon in San Diego. He’ll also get to see Amy, TJ, and the grand kids in Washington. And then he’ll head back home to me. I’m already looking forward to his return.
I love you, Honey.

Ride safe, and have fun!