High Road to Harris Teeter

What do you when it’s lunch-time on a sunny, low-humidity, 80-degree day and you need something to cook for dinner? You go to the grocery story (aka “supermarket”). The long way, of course.

I’ve been busy at work again this week, which doesn’t leave much chance for escape. So today I decided to make the most of my lunch break.

Harris Teeter is 1.6 miles from my house. Point D on the map is roughly where my ride started and ended. Point C is the grocery store.

Longish route to the store.
Longish route to the store.

Roughly forty miles later, I’m back at the office.

Point B is the Northern Fauquier Community Park. It was a good break spot.

Good place for a break.


“What’s up, ducks?”


We’ve had fabulous weather over the last few days.

A mutual friend, who Hubby and I met during our first motorcycle vacation in Europe, rode from his home in Quebec, Quebec, to the RoadRUNNER Touring Weekend event that’s happening in Snowshoe this weekend. He detoured a little on Wednesday so he could stop for a visit.

Alain, Me, and Mike
Alain, Me, and Mike


It was a lovely visit. Alain is one of those guys we could sit and chat with for hours. He’s just an all-around nice guy who just happens to enjoy motorcycles, takes great pictures, is a very entertaining storyteller, and travels on his bike A LOT.

Here are a few more pics of Alain from our Austria-Germany-Italy-Switzerland tour…

At the Timmelsjoch (Passo Rombo) High Alpine Road, clear for the moment.


Fuzzy, I thought of you when I saw these pics, which were taken by our tour guide.

Alain is the guy wearing the red coat astride the second bike.

Timmelsjoch a few moments later. Fog can be a problem there.


The next pic is actually one of Alain’s own images, as in taken with his camera. But I’m pretty sure I was the photographer doing the clicking.

Alain Labadie, high above Innsbruck, Austria.



I really would have loved to have been able to escort him out of town on Thursday morning, but I had to work and deadlines were looming… Dang it. I’ve been kicking myself ever since, which is one of the reasons I was so happy to get out for a bit today, even if it was only for a short trip to the grocery store. LOL.

I did manage to stop at this one spot about 4 miles outside of town to snap some pics.

A too-close shot of this pretty little barn.
A too-close shot of this pretty little barn.


Cows in the distance.


The barn and the gorgeous house look relatively new. It’s a fabulous spot. I’ll have to pop in for a visit one day to meet the lucky folks who live there. And maybe meet their cows, too.

Here’re a few more pics taken from about a quarter mile from their driveway.

I was pressed for time, so the lid stayed on.


Horse (and cow) country mere minutes from our home.


Blackwell Road heading south toward Warrenton.


It really is a lovely place to ride.


If only all shopping trips were that picturesque, eh?

I hope y’all have a fabulous weekend!