That husband of mine has been working on a very special gift for his Mom. A clock. But not just any clock. A grandfather clock with a very interesting back-story.

That talented Hubby of mine built this clock completely from scratch, using black walnut harvested by his grandfather.

I’ll tell you more about the process and share some other pics, and a video of the presentation, in a later post.

This clock began as a black walnut tree in the mid-1800s in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. The tree was harvested in the 1930s by Clair Hallock, who then had the wood milled and stored for a future project. Initially kept in Clearfield, he eventually moved the lumber to his then-home in Baltimore, Maryland. Clair, having decided that the wood was suitable for a clock case, purchased a clock movement from Keininger (one of Germany’s renowned clock makers) during an early 1970s vacation in Germany. The movement was stored along with the wood. Periodically, Clair talked about the clock and how he’d never found a plan that he liked. In time, he returned to his hometown of Clearfield for retirement. He passed away in 2008, never having realized his goal of completing the clock. The lumber and movement were passed on to Clair’s daughter Jeanne, who selected the plan that I used, along with Clair’s materials, to build this grandfather clock. I present Grandfather’s clock to my mother Jeanne, with much love and respect, Mike Kirkpatrick – May 2014.

Today was truly a Mother’s Day to remember.